November 15th-18th, 2012.

Organized by the European branch of the FIAMC (FEAMC) and the Italian Association (AMCI)

Attendants will be given free the FIAMC Bulletin “Decisions” in paper;

The 2012 AMCI-FEAMC Congress “Bioethics And Christian Europe”

Europe is in crisis. Financial crisis! But perhaps moral crisis too of a Europe that is not willing to recognize its Christian roots in its basic texts, nor even perhaps the Christianity of its founding fathers : particularly Robert Schumann (whose beatification process is still ongoing), Konrad Adenauer and Alcide de Gasperi (both Catholics believers, and promoters of Christian democracy in their respective countries).

At the heart of this crisis, values recognized as universal and which are the strength of our society are under threat : no respect for the life of the weakest, nor for the meaning of marriage, while the almighty power of money sheds any vestige of respect for Man.

Some of the ethical foundations of our society are so globally challenged that we face the risk of decadence, and so for us as doctors, the field of bioethics must be of special concern.

Our conviction is that, starting precisely from our common Judeo-Christian roots, Europe could join a shared ethical vision, that would bring humanity – created at the image of God – to its fullness.

The choice of different topics covered here was made by the various national associations, and will enable them to best express their dominant preoccupations. May this Congress bring some light to our work in Italy and in the whole of Europe.

Dr. François Blin
President of FEAMC

Prof. Vincenzo Maria Saraceni
President of AMCI