Organized by the Croatian Catholic Medical Association, Zadar Branch and the parish of St. Josip Radnik in Plovania, on June 18, 2024, a lecture by Dr. Danijela De Michela Vittura entitled “Responsible parenthood in the demographic renewal of Croatia” was held in Zadar in the parish hall

The opening speech was given by our priest, Rev. Martin Jadreško, who greeted our guest lecturer Danijela De Michela Vitturi, MD. specialist in family medicine and all present.

President of the branch of HKLD Zadar Vlatko Grković MD. he thanked his colleague Danijela De Michela Vittura for her response and emphasized that the topic of the lecture is relevant today and that we should talk about it more.

dr. In her lecture, De Micheli Vitturi spoke about the topic of modern married couples postponing parenthood and pointed to the decline in the birth rate. She emphasized that fertility is a natural asset and that having children and caring for the overall health of the individual, family and society are basic factors of demographic renewal.

With her presentation, she encouraged a discussion where those present shared their positive experiences, where families with several children live in solidarity and togetherness.

Those present agreed that it would be good for all Catholic associations, which are linked by this topic, to connect and support each other in various organized activities and that the support of the Catholic Church is very important in order to strengthen our families.

It would certainly be necessary and desirable for members of the HKLD to get involved in the pastoral care of marriage and family, then volunteering in family counseling centers and participating in engagement courses and organizing debates on such topics.

Ana Petrić Ažić, Ph.D.
secretary of HKLD Zadar branch