The Linacre Quarterly is preparing a special issue in commemoration of the
50th anniversary of the papal encyclical Humanae vitae.

In this short encyclical, Blessed Paul VI, besides confirming Church teaching on how contraception violates God’s plan for sexuality, also called on physicians to acquire the knowledge necessary to give wise counsel and healthy direction on moral methods of family planning to married persons. He also called on scientists to develop and study effective methods of natural family planning.

In memory of his prophetic vision, we are inviting papers that discuss the consequences of the use of contraceptives, use of natural family planning, and the effects of methods of NFP on marital dynamics, the medical professions, and society.

We ask authors to reflect on the goal of the Linacre Quarterly, to reveal the truths of the Catholic Church in the science and practice of medicine. Articles submitted for publication will be evaluated not only for their educational or informational value related to this topic, but also for contribution to a deeper understanding of ethical issues arising from the encyclical Humanae vitae

Submissions could address, but are not limited to:

• Work of the special 1966 Pontifical Commission on Birth Control
• Natural family planning (NFP) education programs for health professionals
• Integration of NFP into medical practice, health systems, and diocesan
marriage preparation
• Morality in the use of contraception for managing health problems
• Comparison of different methods of NFP and their effectiveness
• Special reproductive circumstances in the use of NFP
• Analysis of the meaning of the conjugal act
• Marital benefits of practicing NFP
• Discernment on the transmission of new life, i.e., what are serious reasons
for achieving/avoiding pregnancy (HV, nos. 10, 16)
• Defense of Humanae vitae through St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body
• Anthropological differences between use of contraception and NFP
• Review of statements on HV and NFP of US bishops and bishops’
• Implications of Pope Francis’s Amoris laetitiae on the teaching of Humanae
• History of Church teaching on family planning
• The role of the UN in population science and the promotion of contraception

Barbara Golder, M.D., J.D.

Guest Editors:
Richard Fehring, Ph.D., R.N.
Kathleen Raviele, M.D.
Janet Smith, Ph.D.

The deadline for articles
is June 1, 2018
Submit your manuscript today!
If you have any questions please contact us at


Linacre Quarterly

Linacre QuarterlyThe Linacre Quarterly is the official journal of the Catholic Medical Association. Continuously published since 1934, The Linacre Quarterly is the oldest journal in existence dedicated to medical ethics. The Linacre Quarterly provides a forum in which faith and reason can be brought to bear on analyzing and resolving ethical issues in health care, with a particular focus on issues in clinical practice and research. To learn more and see Linacre Quarterly resources online, please click here.

Back issues from 1986 to the present may be found at
Back issues from 1932 to 2007 may be found at

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