XXIVe FIAMC Congress Manila 2014
Federation Internationales des Associations Medicales Catholiques
Catholic Physicians’ Guild of the Philippines
Manila, Phillipines – October 1 – 4, 2014
Manila Hotel, One Rizal Park Manila 0913

The organizing committee of the XXIV World Congress of the WORLD FEDERATION OF CATHOLIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (FIAMC)
on OCTOBER 1-4, 2014 at the Manila Hotel

Programme of Activities
Wednesday 1st October 2014
09:00 – 14:00 Registration
11:00 – 12:00 FIAMC Executive Committee Meeting 12:20 – 14:20 FIAMC General Assembly
15:00 – 17:00 Holy Mass
Opening Ceremony
– Parade of Countries
– Welcome Remarks – Dr. Manuel Po, President, Catholic Physicians Guild of the Philippines
– Opening Remarks – Dr. Jocelyn J. Yambao-Franco, FIAMC World Congress Chair
– Opening of Congress – Dr. Jose Maria Simon Castellvi, President, FIAMC
– Inspirational Messages
— Papal Nuncio
— Pontifical Council for Health Workers
— CBCP President – Bishop Socrates Villegas (Philippines)
— Greetings – His Eminence Cardinal O. Gracias (India), Consultant to the Pope for Asia, High Patron of the Congress
18:00 – 22:00 Welcome Dinner, by Invitation
Maynila Ballroom, Manila Hotel
– Emcee: Dr. Edwin V. Rodriguez (Philippines)
Thursday 2nd October 2014
7:30 – 8:15 Holy Mass (Fr. Aligan and Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau)
8:15 – 8:45 Coffee Break
8:45 – 9:45 Keynote Address
– Introduction of the Guest Speaker – Dr. Angelita Miguel Aguirre
“The Catholic Physician in the Age of Secularization”
– His Eminence Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, DD (Philippines)
9:45 – 10:00 International Prize of Medical Ethics Deontology “Joao XXI”
– Dr. Simon Castellvi and Catholic Medical Association of Portugal
– FIAMC Prize for Science and Faith
Moderator: Dr. Ignatius Widjaja (Indonesia)
10:00 – 11:00 Plenary Session 1: Formation of a Catholic Physician
– Fr. James Mc. Tavish, MD (Philippines)
– Dr. Etienne Gaisne (France)
Moderator: Dr. Hans Stevens (Holland)
11:00 – 12:00 Plenary Session 2: Medical Education
– “Bridging Science and Faith in the Medical Curriculum”
Dr. George Isajiw (USA)
– “ Experience in the Education of Medicl Ethics to Medical Students & Physicians in a Korean Catholic University”
Prof. Young Seon Hong (Korea)
Moderator: Dr. Francis Woo (Philippines)
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 14:00 Plenary Session 3: Prayer in the Life of the Catholic Physician
– Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau (Vatican City)
– Fr. Fausto Gomez, OP (Philippines)
Moderator: Dr. Benito V. Sunga (Philippines)
14:30 – 18:00 City Tour (prior registration for the tour required)
Friday 3rd October 2014
7:30 – 8:15 Holy Mass
(Rev. Fr. Reb Manlangit and Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau)
8:15 – 8:30 Coffee Break
8:30 – 9:35 Dr. Mariano M. Alimurung
Memorial Lecture
– Introduction of Guest Speaker – Dr. Esperanza F. Rivera (Philippines)
“Strengthening One’s Identity as a Catholic Physician in the Age of Globalization”
– Dr. Angeles Tan-Alora (Philippines)
Moderator: Dr. Edwin Rodriguez (Philippines)
9:30 – 11:00 Plenary Session 4: The Practicing Catholic Physician
– “A Catholic Physician in a Non-Catholic Setting”
Dr. Josef Glasa (Slovakia)
– “A Catholic Physician Treating a Non-Catholic Patient”
Dr. Jasenka Markeljevic (Croatia)
– “A Catholic Physician Dealing with Laws Contrary to the Catholic Faith”
Fr. Joseph Tham, LC, MD, PhD (China)
Moderator: Dr. Franco Balzaretti (Italy)
11:00 – 12:00 Plenary Session 5:The Catholic Physician and the Cry of the Poor
– Msgr. Claro Matt G. Garcia (Philippines)
– Sr. Eva Fidela Maamo, SPC, MD (Philippines)
Moderator: Dr. Maria Inez Linhares (Brazil)
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 15:30 Plenary Session 6: The Catholic Physician Under Siege: Personal Witnessing
– “Asian Experience” – Dr. Peter Au Yeung (Hongkong)
– “North American Experience” – Dr. Kevin Murrell (USA)
– “European Experience” – Dr. Francois Blin (France)
– “Latin American Experience” – Dr. Pilar Vigil (Chile)
– “African Experience” – Dr. Henrietta Williams (Nigeria)
– “Australia and New Zealand Experience” – Dr. Elvis Seman (Australia)
– “Indian Experience” – Fr. Matthew Abraham (India)
Moderator: Dr. Tama’s Csaky-Pallavicini (Austria)
15:30 – 17:30 Plenary Session 7: Lessons from the History
– History of FIAMC – Dr. Francois Blin (France)
– “Sexuality Teaching in the Context of Adult Responsibility (Teen Star) – Dr. Hanna Klaus (USA)
– “Anthropology and the New Evangelization” – Dr. Ermanno Pavesi (Switzerland)
– “Evidence Based Medicine and Care” – Dr. Bertrand Galichon (France)
– “End of Life Issues and Advanced Medical Directives” – Dr. Freddie Loh (Malaysia)
Moderator: Dr. Alexandre Laureano-Santos (Portugal)
18:00 – 22:00 Fellowship Night
Champagne Room, Manila Hotel
Saturday 4th October 2014
7:30 – 8:15 Holy Mass
(Fr. Fausto Gomez and Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau)
8:15 – 8:45 Coffee Break
8:45 – 9:45 Plenary Session 8: Ethical Issues in Stem Cell Therapy
– Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau (Vatican City)
– Fr. Stephen Fernandes (India)
– Dr. Jose Maria Simon Castellvi (Spain)
Moderator: Dr. Filippo Boscia (Italy)
9:45 – 10:45 Plenary Session 9: Building for the Future Technology: Analyzing Strengths/Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
– “Utilizing our Profession in Spreading our Faith” – Dr. John Lee (Singapore)
– “Identifying Issues and Solutions to our Weakening Faith” – Dr. Robert Walley (Canada)
– “Founding a Supporting System for Retired Priests, Nuns and Old Believers in an Aging Society” – Dr. Shigeki Hitomi (Japan)
Moderator: Dr. Patrick Gerald L. Moral (Philippines)
10:45 – 11:30 Paper Presentation/ Case Discussion/ Open Forum
Moderator: Dr. Manuel M. Po (Philippines)
11:30 – 12:15 Closing Ceremony
– Conclusion – Victoria Edna G. Monzon, MD (Philippines)
– Words by the New FIAMC President
12:15 – 13:00 Lunch
Invited speakers
- Fr. Mathew Abraham (India)
- Dr. Angeles T. Alora (Philippines)
- Dr. Francois Blin (France)
- Dr. Jose Maria Simon Castellvi (Spain)
- Dr. Stephen Fernandes (India)
- Dr. Etienne Gaisne (France)
- Dr. Bertrand Galichon (France)
- Msgr. Claro Matt G. Garcia (Philippines)
- Dr. Josef Glasa (Slovakia)
- Fr. Fausto Gomez (Philippines)
- Dr. Shigeki Hitomi (Japan)
- Dr. Young Seon Hong (Korea)
- Dr. Hanna Klaus (USA)
- Dr. John Lee (Singapore)
- Dr. Freddie Loh (Malaysia)
- Sr. Eva Fidela Maamo SPC, MD (Philippines)
- Dr. Jasenka Markeljevic (Croatia)
- Dr. George Isajiw (USA)
- Fr. James Mc Tavish (Philippines)
- Dr. Kevin Murrell (USA)
- Dr. Ermano Pavesi (Switzerland)
- Dr. Elvis Seman (Australia)
- Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau (Vatican City)
- His Emenence Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle,DD (Philippines)
- Fr. Joseph Tham, LC, MD, PhD (China)
- Dr. Pllar Vigil (Chile)
- Dr. Robert Walley (Canada)
- Dr. Henrietta Williams (Nigeria)
- Dr. Peter Au Yeung (Hongkong)
Over-all Chair – Jocelyn J. Yambao-Franco, MD
Vice-chair – Paul C. Brigino, MD
Secretary – Jennifer A. Olay, MD
Treasurer – Ma. Rhodora G. De Leon, MD
Jose Ma. Simon Castellvi, MD I Spain)
Manuel M. Po, MD
Esperanza F. Rivera, MD
John Lee, MD (Singapore)
Freddie Loh, MD (Malaysia)
Lutgarda Quito, MD
Ignatius Widjaja, MD (Indonesia)
Martina T. Certeza, MD
On October 1 -4, 2014, the FIAMC and CPGP held the 24th FIAMC World Congress and the 78th Annual CPGP Convention which focused on the theme, “The Catholic Doctor in an Era of Secularization and Technology”
Two hundred seventy five (275) participants attended the International Conference held at the Manila Hotel, Manila. Lectures, prayers, fraternal agape combined harmoniously to make this gathering of Catholic Doctors, clergy and healthcare providers, a fruitful and joyful one
We proudly and publicly manifest our catholic identity through these Resolutions:
Programme of Activities
Wednesday 1st October 2014
09:00 – 14:00 Registration
11:00 – 12:00 FIAMC Executive Committee Meeting 12:20 – 14:20 FIAMC General Assembly
15:00 – 17:00 Holy Mass
Opening Ceremony
- Parade of Countries
- Welcome Remarks – Dr. Manuel Po, President, Catholic Physicians Guild of the Philippines
- Opening Remarks – Dr. Jocelyn J. Yambao-Franco, FIAMC World Congress Chair
- Opening of Congress – Dr. Jose Maria Simon Castellvi, President, FIAMC
- Inspirational Messages
— Papal Nuncio
— Pontifical Council for Health Workers
— CBCP President – Bishop Socrates Villegas (Philippines)
— Greetings – His Eminence Cardinal O. Gracias (India), Consultant to the Pope for Asia, High Patron of the Congress
18:00 – 22:00 Welcome Dinner, by Invitation
Maynila Ballroom, Manila Hotel - Emcee: Dr. Edwin V. Rodriguez (Philippines) Thursday 2nd October 2014
7:30 – 8:15 Holy Mass (Fr. Aligan and Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau)
8:15 – 8:45 Coffee Break
8:45 – 9:45 Keynote Address
- Introduction of the Guest Speaker – Dr. Angelita Miguel Aguirre
“The Catholic Physician in the Age of Secularization” - His Eminence Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, DD (Philippines)
9:45 – 10:00 International Prize of Medical Ethics Deontology “Joao XXI” - Dr. Simon Castellvi and Catholic Medical Association of Portugal
- FIAMC Prize for Science and Faith
Moderator: Dr. Ignatius Widjaja (Indonesia)
10:00 – 11:00 Plenary Session 1: Formation of a Catholic Physician - Fr. James Mc. Tavish, MD (Philippines)
- Dr. Etienne Gaisne (France)
Moderator: Dr. Hans Stevens (Holland)
11:00 – 12:00 Plenary Session 2: Medical Education - “Bridging Science and Faith in the Medical Curriculum”
Dr. George Isajiw (USA) - “ Experience in the Education of Medicl Ethics to Medical Students & Physicians in a Korean Catholic University”
Prof. Young Seon Hong (Korea)
Moderator: Dr. Francis Woo (Philippines)
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 14:00 Plenary Session 3: Prayer in the Life of the Catholic Physician - Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau (Vatican City)
- Fr. Fausto Gomez, OP (Philippines)
Moderator: Dr. Benito V. Sunga (Philippines)
14:30 – 18:00 City Tour (prior registration for the tour required)
Friday 3rd October 2014
7:30 – 8:15 Holy Mass
(Rev. Fr. Reb Manlangit and Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau)
8:15 – 8:30 Coffee Break
8:30 – 9:35 Dr. Mariano M. Alimurung
Memorial Lecture
- Introduction of Guest Speaker – Dr. Esperanza F. Rivera (Philippines)
“Strengthening One’s Identity as a Catholic Physician in the Age of Globalization” - Dr. Angeles Tan-Alora (Philippines)
Moderator: Dr. Edwin Rodriguez (Philippines)
9:30 – 11:00 Plenary Session 4: The Practicing Catholic Physician - “A Catholic Physician in a Non-Catholic Setting”
Dr. Josef Glasa (Slovakia) - “A Catholic Physician Treating a Non-Catholic Patient”
Dr. Jasenka Markeljevic (Croatia) - “A Catholic Physician Dealing with Laws Contrary to the Catholic Faith”
Fr. Joseph Tham, LC, MD, PhD (China)
Moderator: Dr. Franco Balzaretti (Italy)
11:00 – 12:00 Plenary Session 5:The Catholic Physician and the Cry of the Poor - Msgr. Claro Matt G. Garcia (Philippines)
- Sr. Eva Fidela Maamo, SPC, MD (Philippines)
Moderator: Dr. Maria Inez Linhares (Brazil)
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 15:30 Plenary Session 6: The Catholic Physician Under Siege: Personal Witnessing - “Asian Experience” – Dr. Peter Au Yeung (Hongkong)
- “North American Experience” – Dr. Kevin Murrell (USA)
- “European Experience” – Dr. Francois Blin (France)
- “Latin American Experience” – Dr. Pilar Vigil (Chile)
- “African Experience” – Dr. Henrietta Williams (Nigeria)
- “Australia and New Zealand Experience” – Dr. Elvis Seman (Australia)
- “Indian Experience” – Fr. Matthew Abraham (India)
Moderator: Dr. Tama’s Csaky-Pallavicini (Austria)
15:30 – 17:30 Plenary Session 7: Lessons from the History - History of FIAMC – Dr. Francois Blin (France)
- “Sexuality Teaching in the Context of Adult Responsibility (Teen Star) – Dr. Hanna Klaus (USA)
- “Anthropology and the New Evangelization” – Dr. Ermanno Pavesi (Switzerland)
- “Evidence Based Medicine and Care” – Dr. Bertrand Galichon (France)
- “End of Life Issues and Advanced Medical Directives” – Dr. Freddie Loh (Malaysia)
Moderator: Dr. Alexandre Laureano-Santos (Portugal)
18:00 – 22:00 Fellowship Night
Champagne Room, Manila Hotel
Saturday 4th October 2014
7:30 – 8:15 Holy Mass
(Fr. Fausto Gomez and Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau)
8:15 – 8:45 Coffee Break
8:45 – 9:45 Plenary Session 8: Ethical Issues in Stem Cell Therapy
- Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau (Vatican City)
- Fr. Stephen Fernandes (India)
- Dr. Jose Maria Simon Castellvi (Spain)
Moderator: Dr. Filippo Boscia (Italy)
9:45 – 10:45 Plenary Session 9: Building for the Future Technology: Analyzing Strengths/Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats - “Utilizing our Profession in Spreading our Faith” – Dr. John Lee (Singapore)
- “Identifying Issues and Solutions to our Weakening Faith” – Dr. Robert Walley (Canada)
- “Founding a Supporting System for Retired Priests, Nuns and Old Believers in an Aging Society” – Dr. Shigeki Hitomi (Japan)
Moderator: Dr. Patrick Gerald L. Moral (Philippines)
10:45 – 11:30 Paper Presentation/ Case Discussion/ Open Forum
Moderator: Dr. Manuel M. Po (Philippines)
11:30 – 12:15 Closing Ceremony - Conclusion – Victoria Edna G. Monzon, MD (Philippines)
- Words by the New FIAMC President
12:15 – 13:00 Lunch
Invited speakers
Fr. Mathew Abraham (India)
Dr. Angeles T. Alora (Philippines)
Dr. Francois Blin (France)
Dr. Jose Maria Simon Castellvi (Spain)
Dr. Stephen Fernandes (India)
Dr. Etienne Gaisne (France)
Dr. Bertrand Galichon (France)
Msgr. Claro Matt G. Garcia (Philippines)
Dr. Josef Glasa (Slovakia)
Fr. Fausto Gomez (Philippines)
Dr. Shigeki Hitomi (Japan)
Dr. Young Seon Hong (Korea)
Dr. Hanna Klaus (USA)
Dr. John Lee (Singapore)
Dr. Freddie Loh (Malaysia)
Sr. Eva Fidela Maamo SPC, MD (Philippines)
Dr. Jasenka Markeljevic (Croatia)
Dr. George Isajiw (USA)
Fr. James Mc Tavish (Philippines)
Dr. Kevin Murrell (USA)
Dr. Ermano Pavesi (Switzerland)
Dr. Elvis Seman (Australia)
Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau (Vatican City)
His Emenence Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle,DD (Philippines)
Fr. Joseph Tham, LC, MD, PhD (China)
Dr. Pllar Vigil (Chile)
Dr. Robert Walley (Canada)
Dr. Henrietta Williams (Nigeria)
Dr. Peter Au Yeung (Hongkong)
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Over-all Chair – Jocelyn J. Yambao-Franco, MD
Vice-chair – Paul C. Brigino, MD
Secretary – Jennifer A. Olay, MD
Treasurer – Ma. Rhodora G. De Leon, MD
Jose Ma. Simon Castellvi, MD I Spain)
Manuel M. Po, MD
Esperanza F. Rivera, MD
John Lee, MD (Singapore)
Freddie Loh, MD (Malaysia)
Lutgarda Quito, MD
Ignatius Widjaja, MD (Indonesia)
Martina T. Certeza, MD
On October 1 -4, 2014, the FIAMC and CPGP held the 24th FIAMC World Congress and the 78th Annual CPGP Convention which focused on the theme, “The Catholic Doctor in an Era of Secularization and Technology”
Two hundred seventy five (275) participants attended the International Conference held at the Manila Hotel, Manila. Lectures, prayers, fraternal agape combined harmoniously to make this gathering of Catholic Doctors, clergy and healthcare providers, a fruitful and joyful one
We proudly and publicly manifest our catholic identity through these Resolutions:
- to work together for what is right no matter what it costs;
- to promote human dignity and the rights of every human being;to defend freedom of conscience and religious conscientious objections ;
- to protect life from the moment of conception amidst the culture of death;
- to be loyal and faithful to the teaching magisterium of the church;
- to recognize that despite cultural differences, our approach to science is guided t by ethics and faith;
- and, to promote the joy of service to God through caring about His poor.
Resolved that the FIAMC adapt the aforementioned resolutions on this fourth day of October in the year of our Lord two thousand fourteen.