Dr. José María Simón Castellví, now a tenured academic at the RAED, has a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona. The MIR specialist in Ophthalmology. He holds a PhD in Research in Ophthalmology (UB). Member of the Simón Ophthalmological Clinic. Member of the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology. Tenured academic of the I’Institut Médico Pharmacèutic de Catalunya. Corresponding academic by award from the Royal Academy of Medicine of Catalonia.

He is the author of numerous scientific and humanistic publications. President emeritus of the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC, 2006-2014). He was a member of the Pontifical Health Council. He has always been passionate about medical and scientific outreach. He has been practicing Ophthalmology for more than 30 years. He has organized several international medical congresses. He is patron of several foundations. Goodwill ambassador of Arkansas. He is Commander of the Pontifical Order of Saint Gregory the Great. Married to the wonderful Pilar. Three children. He speaks 6 languages.

Dr. José María Simón Castellví – Real Academia Europea de Doctores (raed.academy)

Ingresa en la RAED como Académico Numerario: Dr. José María Simón Castellví

El Excmo. Sr. Dr. José María Simón Castellví, Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía, ingresa como Académico Numerario de la Real Academia Europea de Doctores, con el discurso titulado “Los ojos figurativos. Significación del ojo humano en diversas culturas (del antiguo Egipto hasta el emblema de la cirugía)”.

Responde: Excmo. Sr. Dr. Joaquín Callabed Carracedo

Lugar: Sala de Actos del edificio Fomento del Trabajo, Via Laietana, 32 principal, Barcelona

Fecha: Miércoles, 19 Abril 2023

Hora: 18:30 h

Formato: Presencial y streaming

Inscripción: Se ruega confirmación de asistencia en Secretaría: secretaria@raed.academy o al tel. 93 667 40 54

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