Anne Lastman

To that woman the thinking was “you shall surely not die” (Gen 2:17)  because it’s only a minor procedure and after that you can return to your normal life.

To the man (father of baby) you shall surely not die you do not have to be tied down at this time and to this woman.  Later there is time to have a child.  And these words were imprinted into the essence of both man and woman.  These were the words of the great deceiver because on that day that they accepted the words, “you shall surely not die” was the day that they died.  Not in death as it is known, that is, bodily death but a death which was to change the design of the human for all generations.

Unlike Jesus who rose from death never to die again, the human did die, Like Lazarus, but to die again.  Every child, every new generation would continue the lie of not dying even to the end of time.  The body would continue to dying but through the generosity of the Creator and His rescue mission the soul would have an opportunity not to die but to have a choice to live.  It would be more difficult than first creation, sinless, but the choice was available because one of His own (Jesus) would make the choice to rescue creation by becoming one of them by becoming one of them and defeating the one who uttered those words of death “you shall surely not die: 

These particular words apply to abortion.  The intentional death of another human being.  The words of death “you shall surely not die” spoken or whispered to one who is unsure or determined to kill another.  Like Eve, who chose not to listen to the words of life, the woman and man do again listen to that luring voice which assures that life will not be lost, again the lie spoken and believed.

Abortion, by all standards is an abomination because it kills another at its most vulnerable stage. At a stage when the one being killed cannot defend itself, when it is being dismembered, poisoned, burned, sued for experimentation.  Abortion, that unique creation is the result of those deceitful words “you shall surely not die”

Perhaps the question should be asked “why death?”  the answer being that the liar and deceiver from the beginning wants to ensure that creation by his own enemy (God) will cease to exist.  That he the deceiver is able to defeat his own creator and the creator who created one lower than himself (Ps 8) to replace him in the heavenly realm. He who could not and cannot love could also not know faithfulness.  That knowledge had been forgotten at the time of the rebellion. No truth remained in him just a dictatorship of violence. Loss of friendship with the creator means loss of truth including morality leading to loss of sense of dignity becoming almost animalistic and beastly becomes instinct. 

Loss of truth always means loss of dignity and darkening of the mind and as St John Paul II said “when you lose sense of God you lose sense for man and for life”  and further, he says “conscience cannot be silenced” and with this comment we can see why woman cannot remain free in the presence of her decision to abort because it’s that intimate place where her conscience and her maker dialogue together and He speaks to her of hope because the blood of His Son Jesus there is her strength to fight for her future life.

One of the most beautiful acts was the blessing and placing under the protection of the Blessed Mother, herself a woman, as model of for mothers and motherhood for our time.  A model for the world. A world which is presently under the model of Eve the model of the one who brought death.  The creator gave woman, by her co-operation to bring forth life, the apostolate of reparation., the apostolate of life which will mean sacrifice.

“Man is capable of beautiful love because he is made in the image of God” (St John Paul II) and human sexuality and the desire to create another human is inscribed into the essence of man and woman. Sexuality is that greatest mystery and vocation which is life.  

Science has attempted to understand the mystery which sparks life but that spark of creation is mysterious and remains far from them. Always nearly close but as a nearness approaches it is found the distance is further and this of course because the Divine spark which is life itself cannot be measured or even words found to approximate its mystery.

The desire to have a child is imprinted in the human being and all living matter and this is so through the imprint’s own vocation, and yet today we see that the world and its beliefs are a caricature of the original plan of God. What God has also imprinted in the mystery of life is the knowledge that the new life is sacred never to be violated as it was “in the beginning.” With truth this sacredness to be taught with courage, strength and determination and this truth about life cannot ever be compromised.  The lie about life and abortion cannot ever be accepted. These two words cannot ever be in same sentence.  They do not correspond with one another.

The Church through Peter, when speaking about faith and morals, cannot ever speak a lie because it is speaking under the power of the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit of absolute truth has spoken that abortion is violence against life, and violence against all anti life laws and decisions including, death penalty, human trafficking, transgender, wars, because violence of every kind life are a lie and a return to the first violence “you shall surely not die” spoken by the same father of lies who throughout time has violated God’s prerogative over his creation. The father of lies has always been the dehumanization of the creature of God whose breath animates it. To return God’s ultimate creation to the primitive.

The Holy Spirit has gone before us and spoke and speaks to us via a different “Peter” in the persons and words of our Popes who lead us in these dark times and violence and darkened consciences arising from these eras.  

Pope Pius X officially declared the Dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary body and Soul to Heaven, and further this “Peter” is known as one who encouraged more often reception of the Blessed Eucharist and reception of Blessed Eucharist by children.

Pius X11 Pope during the times of second world war and the Holocaust is known for his words and teachings on life and reproductive issues including fertility, contraception sterilization, 

Pope Paul VI Pope during the tumultuous time of the sexual revolution whose memorable Humane Vitae continues the teaching on life, sacredness of life, abortion, and the harm which woman and society experience due to the acceptance of abortion. Most especially woman (HV 17) 

Pope John XXIII   The Pope who convened the Vatican Council II A council which helped bring the Church to our time and society. Gaudium Et Spes The words which helped us understand more clearly character of our church including life and family in modern world, faith, and culture.

Pope John Paul II and his efforts to end communism. The pope who wrote more about human sexuality than any other Pope from the beginning of history of our church. The Pope who began serious attempts to bring more people into the Barque of Peter, or at least dialogue with people of other faiths His apology for actions during World War II. Pope who understood the times and their trials and importantly his beautiful documents Evangelium Vitae, Donum Vitae, Theology of the body are documents which speak to the world about the sacredness of sexuality and human life and harm done to society when life is not respected most especially through abortion, euthanasia, intentional death.  He coined the term “Culture of death” His works and writings on Life are very many and remarkable and beautiful.

Pope Benedict XVI. A theologian Pope who wrote about Jesus in such a way that he made Jesus come alive and accessible to all.  On abortion he said “Abortion, consequently, cannot be a human right-it is the very opposite.  It is a “deep wound in society.  Opposites Pro-life, and Abortion.”

And presently the Holy Father Pope Francis a shepherd in the style of Jesus. A shepherd who goes after the lost sheep to bring the home to the fold, and his words on life “Abortion is more than an issue, it is murder” In a speech to the United Nations General Assembly 2020 Pope Francis said “It is unfortunate to see some countries and international institutions are also promoting abortion as one of the so called ‘essential services’ provided in the humanitarian response to the COVID-19 pandemic. And many more quotes on life including “abortion is like the hiring of a hitman”

The Catholic Church’s teaching on life has been consistent throughout time and remains so to this day and all the writings have a golden thread which runs through them “life is sacred and must never be violated” and “abortion is an abomination”

Humanity has had guidance on abortion from the very beginning of Christian life with the document The Didache condemning it as a grave evil.

As we read through the writings of the last five Popes, we can see that the Lord was preparing the Church and its people for the holocaust which was to come. Beginning with the visible holocaust of two world wars, followed by other wars, civil wars and not long later the invisible holocaust, abortion. Beginning with the sexual revolution leading to the legalization of all abortion to late term abortions, post birth abortion, and now discussion about “abortion after two weeks post birth.  Further to these, infants born alive and unwanted are to be left to die unaided…Alone because the mother has demanded a dead baby.  Eve…you shall surely not die said the liar from all time and she believed him and continues to believe him.

Abortion has always existed but never in past societies has it been demanded by woman as her “right” to kill or have killed her own child, and for abortion, the killing of in utero and now post utero infants be made legal. This now in millions annually.  The dignity of the human person has been diminished almost to extinction because life has been devalued to almost extinction.

In abortion, that child, who has committed no evil has died, unknown, unwanted, anonymous to the rest of the world but known and loved by God.

Lord, we need your help.