Medical Missions

To contact the CMA Missions Committee, email
CMA Members, please join in the CMA Community for discussion and updates, and join our Medical Missions Interest Group forum and mailing list for on-line events to hear from Catholic medical mission organizations and missionaries.
Here are a few organizations to help you get started on your search.

“Following Christ’s call to heal the sick, Mission Doctors Association (MDA) provides lifesaving medical care for the poor and training for local healthcare professionals around the world.” Since 1959, MDA has made it possible for Catholic Doctors and their families to follow the call of their faith to serve at the request of local Bishops and Religious Orders.

Lay Mission-Helpers sends Catholic singles, families and married couples to live and work in mission dioceses in Africa, Latin America and the Pacific Islands. Our missioners offer their training as teachers, nurses, administrators, accountants, project managers, healthcare professionals and others to be of service to the Church and those of God’s people who have few material resources. We match your skill set with a need in one of our partner mission dioceses.

Maternal Life International partners with Catholic hospitals in Africa to provide life-affirming training and resource assistance for quality improvement in obstetrical and newborn care. At a community level, MLI’s teams provide couple-centered programs focusing on building respectful, cooperative marriages, reducing malnutrition and stunting, and natural family planning instruction. Volunteers serve for short-term missions that focus on team-based training for physicians, midwives, and nurses.

Saint Benedict Joseph Medical Center is a medical outreach of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal in Comayagua, Honduras. A busy medical and dental clinic serves the poor year round and hosts surgical mission teams several times per year. One of these teams comes from Solanus Medical Missions.

The Diocese of Joliet Missions seek to assist followers of Christ in responding to God’s call to go forth into the world and proclaim the Good News that Jesus Christ is Lord. We connect missionaries to organizations and groups around the world and support them throughout their journey, and send missionaries to help with medical, construction, outreach and educational support in Bolivia, the Philippines, Uganda and the Navajo Nation. In addition, the ministry responds to disasters in the United States.
Become a member
The Catholic Medical Association (CMA-USA) is the largest association of Catholic individuals in health care in the US. We help our members to grow in faith, maintain ethical integrity, and provide excellent health care in accordance with the teachings of the Church.