President Emeritus of the FIAMC

I liked to see, in the declaration “Dignitas infinita” of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, a reference to intersexual states and the possibility of medical intervention in them. The lobbies that dominate the big stories in our media always talk about gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc. people. They intentionally omit intersex.

Intersexual states are studied in Pediatrics, among other specialties. Some people lack the male chromosome or have an extra female chromosome or have ovaries and testes at the same time. And there are many other possibilities. Medicine and Surgery can offer palliative solutions. In these cases, it is not a question of a “sex change” but rather an assignment that is as optimal as possible given the physical and psychological characteristics of these people.

The surgery and hormones of people who call themselves “transgender”, that is, who consider themselves to be of a gender opposite to their healthy biology, is very often cruel, traumatic and unsatisfactory even for activists. You cannot amputate or reassign a person’s sex. You can and should help psychologically and socially, nothing more. The absolute majority of children who want to be of another sex spontaneously change their mind years later.

The death penalty, which is repugnant to us Europeans and others, is not acceptable today even though it was acceptable in the past. It is not about a change in doctrine but about the elevation of the Doctrine. The prisoner (when he dies a natural death) of serious crimes is left in the hands of God while the people he could seriously harm are protected by keeping him away from society.

I also liked the references to the non-morality of the organ trade, procured abortion, euthanasia, human trafficking and surrogate motherhood. It is very edifying for those of us who defend life from conception to natural end.