25 APR SPLIT: SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCE GAMBLING. Alea iacta est. A challenge for Theology and Medicine

It will be held on Friday, May 17, 2024 in Split, at the Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split, Zrinsko-Frankopanska 19, in Split

The organizers are Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split and Croatian Catholic Medical Society

Program / Organizing Committee:

Prof. dr. sc. Ivan Bodrožić, Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split (president)
Prof. dr. sc. Ivica Grković, MD, School of Medicine, University of Split
Doc. dr. sc. Mirjana Pinezić, Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split
Dr. sc. Danijela Rupčić, Faculty of Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb
Doris Žuro, mag. soc., Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split


9.00 Greetings

  1. SESSION (moderator: Tony Nebula)

9.10 Luka Maršić – Anthropology of The Game in Postmodernism (Homo ludens)
9.30 Mirjana Pinezić – Person, Passions and Upbringing of Desires in the Context of Gambling Addiction
9.50 Vladimir Dugalić – Gambling in Moral Judgment and Confessional Practice
10.10 Slavko Zec – Canonical-Legal Consequences of Gambling Addiction on The Capacity to Marry
10.30 Danijela Rupčić – Law and Games of Chance – Protection of the Weakcontracting Party and the Right to Health
10.50 – 11.00 Discussion
11.00 – 11.30 Break, refreshments

  1. SESSION (moderator: Mirjana Pinezić)

11.30 Trpimir Glavina – Alea iacta est…
11.50 Danijel Labaš – Digital age and internet gambling
addiction 12.10 Toni Maglica – My child does not gamble: parenting characteristics related to youth gambling
12.30 Zoran Zoričić – How to help, without moralizing?
12.50 Željka Radošević – Family involvement in the treatment of gambling addiction
treatment 13.10 – 13.20 Discussion and closing arguments
13.20 Closing of the conference



Interested parties from HKLD can contact the secretariat with Ms. Slavica Grubišić!