Thousands of lay faithfuls from the many parts of the Philippine archipelago will converge in Cebu City for the Annual Divine Mercy Congress. The two-day congress will be on May 11-12, 2024. There will be eight speakers who will focus on the different topics revolving around the true and urgent devotion to the Divine Mercy.One of the main speakers is Dr. Rene Josef C. Bullecer, the HLI Country Director, Vice President of the National Council of the Laity of the Philippines and Vice President of the Catholic Physicians Guild of the Philippines (Visayas) who will speak on the very important topic, “God’s Plan ( be aware) versus Devil’s’ Plan (beware) for Humanity”.

During the 3-hour presentation, Dr. Bullecer will discuss the grand plan of God for mankind which are basically blessings, provision, abundance and salvation or eternity through the church which He established on earth. While the opposite from the devil which is to destroy the family, destroy the church and to destroy faith. Here, he is expected to touch on the issues on population implosion to the dangers of artificial intelligence     On the other hand, the main objective of this two-day national religious event is to create awareness among the lay on the unseen forces of evil which has penetrated and gained influence in all sectors of the society including within the church.

And at the same time, create a more comprehensive response from the audience on the need to strengthen the faith, involve closer ties to the church and enhance more active participation in the promotion and the defense of the teachings of the Catholic church.Furthermore, this event is inline with the FIAMC Statutes which is primarily to live up and promote the Christian principles for a more effective defense of the faith especially in the developing countries amidst the growing tides of secularism and modernism.