‘Save us, Lord, we are going down!’ And he said to them, ‘Why are you so frightened, you men of little faith?’ And with that he stood up and rebuked the winds and the sea; and all was calm again.
Matthew 8:23-27 ………

 This week…. an update on Prof Joanna Howe. Billings LIFE hosts a RACGP CPD activity conference on July 20th: Menarche to Menopause – the Health Benefits of Monitoring Fertility.

 The Australian Care Alliance has written a response to the first official report on the VAD program in NSW. Dr Jereth Kok writes on pronoun crimes and his upcoming landmark legal case with AHPRA. You can help support Jereth’s legal challenge here

Our ‘Covid in Review’ idea is catching on. Taken up by Channel Seven’s Spotlight program, After Covid, which screened last Sunday night. Some additional information and links about the program are highlighted below.

 With some trepidation, we also touch on some other vaccine issues; the ‘ethics’ of Merck’s Gardisil trial, aborted foetal tissue use in vaccines, as well as recent correspondence in the RACGP journal regarding the efficacy of covid vaccines. ACMA member, Dr Deirdre Little, is a world expert on Gardasil safety issues. She has written and presented on this subject over many years. Read one of her papers in the BMJ here.

 Finally, to elevate the mood and inspire the spirit in challenging times, we offer a video about St Maria Goretti (July 6th), a cantata by JS Bach celebrating the Visitation (previously July 2nd) and some gospel related art by Ivan Aivazovsky, as well as for the feast day of St Antony Zaccaria, medical doctor and Counter Reformation missionary, for this Friday’s medically themed gospel.

 Upcoming events Saturday July 20th. Billings LIFE Conference: Menarche to Menopause – the Health Benefits of Monitoring Fertility. More information here. 
Prof Joanna Howe Update
“I never thought I’d be taking my employer to court….My core mission is to fight for the 88,000 Australian children killed every year through abortion.” Watch her the latest interview here.For ongoing updates join her email list here. Read pdf article
Billings LIFE Conference
Menarche to Menopause – the Health Benefits of Monitoring Fertility This conference is a RACGP CPD Activity for Women’s Health. ACMA member, Dr Mary Walsh, will be a key presenter at the conference. Saturday July 20th, Treacy Centre,126 The Avenue, Parkville, Melbourne.  More information here. Download flyer
NSW VAD Interim Report
The Australian Care Alliance has written a response to the first official report on the VAD program in NSW. Read here
A Spotlight on the Covid Response?
Seven news program Spotlight broadcast a controversial live-audience program, After Covid, discussing the merits of the covid response in Australia. Watch the program here. Panelist, Prof Gigi Foster, gave her thoughts on the program in this podcast interview with Qantas pilot, Captain Graham Hood. Investigative journalist, Rebekah Barnett, reviews the program and leaked footage of angry audience reactions that didn’t make the final cut. Watch program