By Dr. José María Simón Castellví

President Emeritus of the International Federation of the Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC)

When I say Church, I mean the Church that is still pilgrim on this earth. And when I say pandemic, I mean any event transmissible by air or orally; or an attack with a radioactive component. Until now the preparation of our churches for cases of health catastrophes has been poor. It is true that Catholic doctors in some countries, such as those in the United States (see note) develop very detailed contingency plans. The Hierarchy should do more to ensure that the Word of God, the sacraments and our charity reaches the faithful and even evangelize those who do not yet know the Good News. The preparation for a good and holy death – the reunion with the Almighty – requires our hard work. Divine Providence also counts on it.

A few years ago there was the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers (for Health Pastoral Care) in the Holy See. I had the great honor of being a member of it, along with other health professionals. We worked hard and well. This dicastery was embedded in what is today the Dicastery for Integral Human Development, which assumed its powers. Unfortunately very little has been done for health or healthcare in this department. The Commission for Health Care Agents has not even been established, as was required according to the statutes signed by Pope Francis. This void, on such an important issue, also spreads to episcopal conferences and other ecclesiastical organizations.

When another global event happens that forces us to take drastic preventive measures, we cannot be caught off guard. Everything possible must be done to keep the temples open and operational. You can understand a hesitation during the first days, but then you must be clear about the protection measures and you must act in science and in conscience (formed, informed and refined by Grace).

COVID has taught us that we can keep churches open if we use good masks, ventilation, distance between people, hand hygiene and so on. Holy Communion, the use of holy water, or the anointing of the sick can be safely distributed by taking a few steps.

In the misnamed Spanish Flu (1918), the crowds of faithful in churches perhaps worsened the health situation. This is why the Hierarchy should consult organized Catholic doctors and other organizations such as the Royal Academies. National and international civil authorities must be respected. However, they have their own agendas and are generally not particularly concerned with religious attention.

The COVID pandemic, which has really existed and caused the death of millions of fragile people, has served states to carry out a great in vivo experiment for social control. A control that was exercised by governments and television (other media had almost nothing to do with it). There are still many open questions about the disease (origin, vaccine prevention, treatments) in this post-pandemic period. In many countries there has been an excess of mortality that cannot be explained only by the lack of control of certain other pathologies during pandemic confinements.

Medicine has very clear action protocols for very diverse diseases. The little information that was provided to the population while they were vaccinated with new drugs, bought en masse with secret contracts, without the informed consent that is required for almost any action, without applying the precautionary principle in pregnant women or children (the disease affects them very slightly, unlike what happened with the Spanish Flu) and falsely implying that vaccination prevented the transmission of the disease. Good Medicine is what is always needed. And the Church must prepare in time for our next vital challenges.



Road Map to Re-Opening Our Catholic Churches Safely – F.I.A.M.C. (