By Dr. José María Simón Castellví
President Emeritus of the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC)
Media outlets frequently feature discussions about sexual conversion therapies, particularly regarding same-sex attraction. The adjective “conversion” can be misleading.
For many years, the FIAMC has provided professional and discreet assistance to individuals and institutions dealing with various affective and sexual disorders, with or without abuse, or with problematic behaviors such as polygamy (simultaneous or sequential). We have also published a document on same-sex attraction (1).
Psychiatrists and psychologists can and should help those who seek their advice. Their patients may feel uncomfortable with their same-sex attraction (ego-dystonic), or may struggle with sexual addiction, love addiction, pedophilia, ephebophilia, and many other issues. Many are caught in highly promiscuous lifestyles that leave a deep existential void, often filled with alcohol and drugs. These consultations do not exclude the involvement of a spiritual director to help individuals overcome, sublimate, and channel their impulses and feelings.
As a fundamental principle of medicine (primum non nocere), consultations or therapies must strive to do no harm to the individual on a bio-psycho-social, familial, and spiritual level. Furthermore, any therapy should be freely chosen (except in legal cases) and have demonstrated efficacy according to current scientific knowledge.
A profound encounter with the human-divine person of Jesus can transform (or reconvert) a person into a being who touches the transcendent while remaining grounded. For some, the call to perfection will lead them to desire perfect continence, while for others it may lead them to seek a good marriage. For all, healthy accompaniment is essential. There is nothing wrong with that.
Same-sex attraction is a topic that cannot be discussed freely in the West. Any argument or evidence that contradicts the dominant viewpoint, even if expressed politely, is immediately dismissed, and the speaker is severely harassed.
The FIAMC document states that this type of attraction has a varying genetic basis (some more, some less) which, combined with varying family environmental factors, gives rise to the individual’s felt tendency. Feeling is not the same as consenting. Therefore, if someone feels attracted to the same sex but does everything possible to avoid a non-procreative sexual relationship, blessed be God!
University of Navarra: