The Catholic Church in the United States is in the middle of what we call “A Fortnight for Freedom”. This is a two week period of time (June 21 through July 4th, our Independence Day) during which Catholics in the U.S. pray, fast, meet, and communicate with their congressmen/women about Freedom of Religion. Freedom of Religion is one of the basic freedoms insured to Americans by our Constitution. It has come under attack more this past year with a rule from the Department of Health and Human Services stating that all “businesses” must provide insurance to employees that includes coverage of contraceptives. There has been little consideration for freedom of religion or conscience in this mandate. Many lawsuits have been filed against the Government regarding this disregard for the religious and conscience convictions of many Christians, chiefly Catholics, but which ultimately involve all Christian confessions. So we are involved in a battle for these fundamental rights. The Catholic Medical Association in the U.S. has been involved in support of the Church and our fundamental rights to religion and conscience. Please keep us and all those around the world whose rights are challenged despite the declaration of these rights as due to all mankind in National and United Nations documents.
This past week the U.S. Supreme Court handed down two decisions regarding same sex marriage which undermine the religious and traditional understandings of marriage held by most cultures throughout history. The Court struck down part of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which served to support the institution of marriage and also refused to protect the rights of the citizens of California to defend authentic marriage by legal means. Although these are significant, they are limited in scope and will be challenged. One disturbing thing was a comment by the Court stating, in part: “DOMA is invalid, for no legitimate purpose overcomes the purpose and effect to disparage and injure those whom the State, by its marriage laws, sought to protect in personhood and dignity.” This statement questions the motives and beliefs of millions of American citizens and, although untrue, provides a potential pretext for opponents of religious freedom to continue their attacks on those who’s faith challenges their personal beliefs. (cf “Statement on Supreme Court Same Sex Marriage Decisions” on the Catholic Medical Association website)
The recent attacks on religious beliefs and freedom has had the effect of bringing Christians of different traditions together. This past week Archbishop Lori of Baltimore, Maryland, Chairman of the USCCB Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, and Dr. Russell Moore, Chairman of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Commission joined in a letter to Congress in support of the Health Care Conscience Rights Act. A larger coalition is growing. Many are coming to see that an attack on such fundamental rights on one group threatens all religious groups.
I would like to mention two conferences the Catholic Medical Association (CMA) is sponsoring this year. One of them just ended; it was a week long course on medical ethics held in Philadelphia. This was a program funded by contributions from CMA members initiated at the St. Paul Annual Conference last year to provide an intensive ethics course for medical students. It was very successful and we hope this is a program that will continue. The other is the annual CMA conference which will be held this October in Santa Barbara, California. You can find details on the CMA website.
There is a lot going on in the world on many fronts that threaten human freedom and the Church seems to be involved in most of them, as followers of Jesus Christ should be, along with all those who treasure freedom. Let’s keep each other in our prayers and continue to stand for the fundamental rights of all mankind.
I invite you to follow along with what’s going on in the U.S. by going to the Catholic Medical Association web site and the web site of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). FIAMC provides a link to the CMA and through the CMA to the USCCB.
Yours truly,
Dr. Kevin Murrell, member of the Presidency of the FIAMC and Treasurer