Art. 1: Foundation, definition, nature, and registered office
§ 1 – On the 5th of November 1966, in Manila (Philippines), during the XI International Congress of the Catholic Doctors, the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC) was founded, as results from the relative Proceedings of the Constituent Assembly, signed by Professors Luigi Gedda and Mariano Alimurung (cfr. Annex 1 to the present Statute).
§ 2 – FIAMC is a public international association of the faithful, with legal status, according to canons 298-320 and 327-329 of the Code of Canon Law. It is open to Catholic medical associations from all countries. The registered office of FIAMC is located in the Vatican City.
Art. 2: Aims
§ 1 – The first aim of FIAMC is to promote an image of the doctor and a medical practice centered on the dignity of the human person, the defence of every human life and the promotion of health, according to the values and meanings of Christian anthropology, as it is proposed by the Magisterium of the Church.
§ 2 – Every Catholic doctor who adheres to FIAMC finds inspiration in the person of Jesus of Nazareth himself, Christus Medicus, and in the evangelical figure of the Good Samaritan. On all Catholic doctors and on their daily practice, FIAMC invokes the maternal protection of Mary, Salus Infirmorum et Mater scientiae, together with the intercession of Saint Luke, the Doctor Evangelist, Patron of all Catholic doctors, and of all other physician-saints.
§ 3 – The objectives of FIAMC are concisely summarized in the “Promise of the Catholic Doctor”, approved by the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, and recalled in the “Prayer of the Catholic Doctor”, written and given to FIAMC by John Paul II. These two texts are enclosed below as an appendix to these Statutes, and are part of them.
Art. 3: Specific tasks
§ 1 – FIAMC’s tasks are:
- to coordinate the efforts of Catholic medical associations in the study and spread of Catholic values and culture in the medical profession and in social and political debate;
- to encourage in every country the development of associations of Catholic doctors to provide the medical fraternity with the necessary moral and spiritual help, while promoting scientific and professional knowledge;
- to collaborate in the health apostolate of the Church, in agreement with the Ecclesiastical Authority;
- to promote the study of bioethical problems concerning the medical health care world;
- to take part in the general development of the medical profession in agreement with the Magisterium of the Church;
- to collaborate with other Christians in ecumenical dialogue and to contribute to inter-religious dialogue, especially in what concerns the defence of human life and the promotion of health;
- to collaborate in the development of the level of health care in disadvantaged countries;
h) to promote the presentation of Catholic thought within International Organizations.
§ 2 – FIAMC engages in collaborating constantly with the Secretariat of State, in all that concerns the presence and the activities within the International Organizations (see Const. Apost. Pastor Bonus, art. 41 § 2). In the same way, FIAMC keeps contacts with the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care *, a Holy See Dicastery especially interested because of the specific pastoral field (see Const. Apost. Pastor Bonus, art. 153 § 3).
The Offices of FIAMC are:
- the Presidency,
- the Executive Committee,
- the General Assembly,
- the Continental Federations.
Art. 4: Presidency
The Presidency of FIAMC is made up of:
- President,
- Vice-President,
- Secretary General,
- Treasurer,
- Ecclesiastical Assistant.
§ 1 – The President
The President represents FIAMC, legally and in its ad extra relations and presides over its General Assembly and its Executive Committee and manages FIAMC according to the directives of the General Assembly. In case of absence or impediment, the President is substituted by the Vice-President. The President shall also guarantee the necessary communication and contacts with the ecclesiastical authorities.
The President is elected by the General Assembly and holds office for four years and serves for no more than two consecutive terms of office.
Nominations can be proposed by each Ordinary Member Association or by the Executive Committee of FIAMC. Only those who have been members of the FIAMC Executive Committee can be proposed as candidates. Nominations for the Presidency must reach the Secretary General at least six months before elections. All the candidates for President must have previously been approved by the Pontifical Council for the Laity, before being elected.
§ 2 – The Vice-President
The Vice-President occupies the second office in FIAMC. He takes up in toto the functions of the President in case of his death or resignation, until the end of the current term of office. The Vice-President, moreover, temporarily takes up the duties of the President in case of his absence or impediment. He can receive ad hoc proxy from the President or specific assignments from the Executive Committee.
§ 3 – The Secretary General
The Secretary General manages the Secretariat of FIAMC. He ensures relations with the Member Associations. He carries out all the legal formalities for the existence and activities of FIAMC. When ordered by the President, he summons the meetings of the Executive Committee, acting as secretary and taking minutes during the meetings. In case of absence or impediment of the President and of the Vice-President, he temporarily presides over the activities of FIAMC.
§ 4 – The Treasurer
The Treasurer administers FIAMC’s financial resources. He prepares the annual budget, both the estimate and the final balance, and he presents them to the Executive Committee for approval. He is in charge of obtaining the annual dues of the Member Associations. In case of absence or impediment of the President, of the Vice-President and of the Secretary General, he temporarily presides over the activities of FIAMC.
§ 5 – Election of the Vice-President, of the Secretary General and of the Treasurer
The Vice-President, Secretary General and Treasurer are elected by the General Assembly and remain in office for four years. They can be consecutively re-elected in the same office only once. The candidates for these offices, who can be singled out exclusively among the members of an Ordinary Member Association, must be nominated by the same Ordinary Member Associations and/or by the Executive Committee. The names of the candidates must be presented by the proponents to the Secretary General at the beginning of the elective General Assembly. The candidates for the office of Secretary General, moreover, must have already been part, in some way, of the Executive Committee.
§ 6 – The President, the Vice-President, the Secretary General and the Treasurer are to present to the Executive Committee an annual written report, on the activities carried out by each of them on behalf of FIAMC.
§ 7 – The Ecclesiastical Assistant
The Ecclesiastical Assistant of FIAMC is nominated by the Pontifical Council for the Laity, which selects him from a choice of three candidates proposed by the Executive Committee, to accompany the spiritual journey and activities of FIAMC. The candidates must have received the previous consent from their Ordinary (cfr. CIC, can. 317 § 1). His term of office lasts four years and can be renewed.
He has the following specific tasks:
- He shall supervise the doctrinal and moral positions of FIAMC and of its Member Associations;
- He shall contribute to the spiritual, moral and doctrinal training of Member Associations, through ad hoc initiatives in agreement with the FIAMC Executive Committee.
- He shall appoint the Ecclesiastical Assistants of the Continental Federations, selecting them from a choice of at least three candidates, proposed by the Executive Committee of the respective Continental Federations;
- He shall maintain constant relations with the Ecclesiastical Assistants of the Continental Federations and of the National Associations, also through adequate coordination initiatives. The Ecclesiastical Assistant ex officio is part of the Presidency and takes part in its meetings and in those of the Executive Committee without right to vote.
§ 8 – Each member of the Presidency, with the exception of the Ecclesiastical Assistant, must belong to a different country.
§ 9 – In case of death, resignation or permanent incapacity of the Vice-President, the Secretary General or of the Treasurer, the Executive Committee will appoint an ad interim substitute.
Art. 5 Executive Committee
§ 1 – Composition
All the following are part of the Executive Committee:
- All the members of the Presidency;
- The Presidents of the Continental Federations approved by FIAMC;
- Two representatives for each of the six Regions of FIAMC, as defined by the following Art. 8, who are not Presidents of the Continental Federations. These representatives must be members of a FIAMC Ordinary Member Association and shall be appointed by the Continental Federations or by the Executive Committee for those Regions without organized and approved Continental Federations.
- FIAMC representatives at International Organizations (appointed by the Presidency);
- The Presidents (or their Delegates) of Associations recognized as temporary Associate Members according to Art. 6 § 3 of this Statute;
- Those who are Responsible for Specialized Agencies or for Committees approved by the Executive Committee.
§ 2 – Tasks of the Executive Committee and operating procedures
The Executive Committee is the administrative organ of FIAMC and is in charge of promoting the aims of FIAMC as in art. 3 of this Statute, of guaranteeing continuity in activities and of putting into practice the directives of the General Assembly.
From within itself the Committee appoints the representatives of the Continental Regions, where there is no Continental Federation able to appoint them autonomously. The Executive Committee selects and presents to the Pontifical Council for the Laity the names of the candidates for the office of Ecclesiastical Assistant. The Executive Committee examines and, if in good standing, approves the applications for new memberships, decides the creation of Specialized Agencies or of ad hoc Committees. It can recommend candidates to be appointed members of the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee meets at least once a year and can be summoned in a special session for the examination of urgent business by the President or at the request of at least three members of the Executive Committee.
The meetings of the Executive Committee are presided over the President of FIAMC. Each member can act as a proxy for an absent member. Decisions are taken by an absolute majority vote of the Members directly present or represented by a proxy.
All former Presidents can attend meetings of the Executive Committee, but have no right to vote.
Art. 6 – Members of FIAMC
FIAMC is open to all Catholic medical associations and has three kinds of members:
§ 1 – Ordinary Member Associations
They are legally constituted associations of Catholic doctors that correspond to the aims of the Statutes, that satisfy the requisites stated by these aims and that accept the conditions required by the Statutes of FIAMC.
Both national and diocesan Catholic medical associations can be ordinary members of FIAMC. However, a country’s diocesan association cannot be members if in the same country there is a national association. Only one association from each country can be a member of FIAMC. Possible exceptions to this must be motivated and approved by the Executive Committee and by the Episcopal Conference of the country involved.
Applications for ordinary membership of FIAMC must be made to the Executive Committee and accompanied by the following documentation:
- Statutes of the Association;
- Number of members and list of members
- Approval by the local ecclesiastical authority (national Episcopal Conference in the case of national associations or local Ordinary Bishop if they are diocesan associations). The requests for admission of the new ordinary members will be approved by the Executive Committee only when all the conditions required are met. In order to favour a link and collaboration in statutory activities, FIAMC ordinary member associations must submit each year to the Secretary General of FIAMC an updated list of their individual members and of their governing body, as long as the individual members, after having being asked personally, consent.
§ 2 – Associate Member Associations
These are associations of Catholic doctors, not yet able to meet the conditions required by the Statutes of FIAMC, but which assert they accept them.
§ 3 – Affiliate Member Associations
They are established associations of Catholic doctors or groups of Catholic doctors in some ways organized who live in countries where the establishment of legally constituted associations is hindered by political, social or religious limitations.
Affiliation to FIAMC can be made with the agreement of any ordinary member association. Temporary affiliation to FIAMC can be granted to Catholic associations of other categories of health care workers who request it and who are still without their own international federation.
These associations do not have the right to vote and their representatives cannot be elected to the offices of the Presidency. Associations with the status of temporary affiliate member must pay membership dues determined by the Executive Committee that will also set the duration of the time of temporary affiliation. In addition, if considered opportune and always after the approval of the Executive Committee, FIAMC can institute specialized Agencies to respond to particular operative needs. In this case, the President of FIAMC, or his delegate, must be a member of the Executive Committee of the instituted Agency, whereas the Presidents of which one of them, or their delegate, will be member ex officio of the Executive Committee of FIAMC.
Art. 7 – General Assembly
§ 1 – Composition
The General Assembly is made up by the delegations of the FIAMC member Associations. Each member Association can be represented in the General Assembly by a delegation composed of the association President, or a delegate of his, and by a maximum of six more representatives. Ordinary Member Associations that cannot participate in the General Assembly can be represented by another Ordinary Member Association.
§ 2 – Formalities of convocation, procedures and tasks of the General Assembly
The General Assembly meets every four years on the occasion of the World Congress organized by FIAMC. The Assembly receives the reports of the Executive Committee on the activities of FIAMC in the preceding four years and provides opinions and advice on the projects for the following four years.
At the same meeting the General Assembly elects the offices of the Presidency, with a four year mandate for each office.
The General Assembly can be summoned in extraordinary session upon request by the Executive Committee or upon written request by the majority of the Associations that are ordinary members.
The requests for summoning the General Assembly in extraordinary session are given to the Secretary General who will present them to the President of FIAMC.
The President shall summon the Executive Committee in order to evaluate the urgency and the value of the request and the opportunity to summon an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly is presided by the President of FIAMC or, if he is absent, by the member of the Presidency of highest rank. The order of precedence is Vice President, Secretary General and Treasurer.
§ 3 – Voting
In case of vote, each country can express a maximum of seven votes. For countries that have more than one Association recognized as ordinary member, votes shall be subdivided among them proportionately to their respective number of members. In any case the total number of votes shall not exceed seven for each country.
The number of votes attributed to each national ordinary member Association, if membership dues have been regularly paid, is determined on the basis of the number of individual members in the following way:
- From 10 to 50 members: 1 vote
- From 51 to 100 members: 2 votes
- From 101 to 250 members: 3 votes
- From 251 to 500 members: 4 votes
- From 501 to 1000 members: 5 votes
- From 1001 to 2000 members: 6 votes
- Over 2001 members 7 votes
In case of proxy, each delegated Association shall be able to represent only one other ordinary member association and will have all the votes of the delegating Association. Associate or affiliate member associations shall not have the right to vote nor to present nominations for elections to the offices of the Presidency.
Art. 8 – Continental Federations
FIAMC Ordinary Member Associations are grouped in 6 regions, whose geographical composition is set by the Statute. Each region elects a Regional Committee, with the task of coordinating the activities of National Associations and of promoting the aims of FIAMC and the exchange of information. Wherever possible, FIAMC Ordinary Member Associations form continental Federations, that must be approved by the FIAMC Executive Committee just as their Statutes. No Association can become a member of a Continental Federation without having been previously approved as a Member of FIAMC by the Executive Committee of FIAMC.
The regional subdivision of the Members of FIAMC is as follows:
- 1st region: Africa;
- 2nd region: Asia;
- 3rd region: Oceania;
- 4th region: Europe;
- 5th region: North America;
- 6th region: Central and South America.
The Executive Committee establishes to which geographical region new members belong according to the needs of proximity and collaboration, even if differently from the strict geographical criterion.
Art. 9 – Activities of FIAMC
The activities of FIAMC include:
- the organization of periodic international congresses;
- the publication of journals and information bulletins;
- the organization of study trips, courses, international or regional conferences for the study of problems related to bioethics, ethics, health care services organization and health care assistance;
- the exchange, among different countries, of researchers, doctors, medical students;
- the identification and coordination of representatives at the International Organizations;
- the implementation of international health cooperation projects;
- every other activity consistent with Art. 3 of the present Statute.
Art. 10 – Annual membership dues
Ordinary Member Associations and Associate Member Associations shall pay an annual fee decided by the Executive Committee.
Art. 11 – Other financial resources
FIAMC can accept donations or contributions by individuals and public or private bodies and shall use them exclusively for the aims provided for in the present Statutes. Possible profits deriving from the management of the assets of FIAMC shall be used for activities related to statutory aims. Moreover, FIAMC can make a profit from the management of its own products or services, whose contents are compatible with the aims of the Statute.
Art. 12 – Control organs
The Pontifical Council for the Laity has the highest authority on the administration of the goods of FIAMC. Every year the Executive Committee shall send to that Dicastery the report on the administration of the assets of FIAMC (see CIC, 319 § 1).
Art. 13 – Official version of the Statute
The official version of the Statute of FIAMC is always the one approved by the Pontifical Council of the Laity with the most recent date.
Art. 14 – Statutory modifications
All the amendment proposals concerning this Statute must be sent by the Secretary General to be examined by the members six months before the General Assembly that will vote on them. Amendments shall be considered approved only if voted by a majority of two thirds of the members present during the General Assembly or properly represented by proxy. The Statutes of FIAMC and all amendments or following modifications shall be effective only after being approved by the Pontifical Council of the Laity.
Art. 15 – Extinction and destination of the goods of FIAMC
In case FIAMC is dissolved, before summoning the dissolution extraordinary General Assembly the Executive Committee shall inform the Pontifical Council of the Laity and that Dicastery shall have to give its prior consent. Following this decision of the extraordinary General Assembly, the Pontifical Council for Laity will proceed to promulgate a decree of suppression of FIAMC (cfr. CIC, cann. 120 § 1 and 320 § 1).
The existing funds shall be used according to the general aims of FIAMC or shall be donated to the Pontifical Council for the Laity.
Les modifications apportées aux Statuts et au Règlement intérieur ont été dûment approuvées par l’Assemblée Générale
– le 10 août 1986 à Buenos Aires,
– le 11 sept 1998 à New-York;
– le 4 juillet 2000 à Rome,
– et le 4 septembre à Séoul.
Les dernières modifications du présent texte ont été approuvées par le Saint Siège le 4 décembre 2002
La correction des fautes de Français avait été faite sur le texte de 1998 le 26 novembre 2000
par le secrétaire général (F. Blin), en accord avec le Président (G.L. Gigli)
Last Statutes: Decree P.C. Laity, September 8, 2009
* The functions of the Pontifical Council for Pastoral Health Care Workers correspond now to:
§1. The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development expresses the Holy See’s concern for issues of justice and peace, including those related to migration, health, charitable works and the care of creation.
** The functions of the Pontifical Council for he Laity correspond now to:
Art. 7
§ 1. Within the sphere of its competence, the Dicastery accompanies the life and development of the aggregations of the faithful and of lay movements; it then erects those of an international character and approves or recognizes statutes, without prejudice to the competence of the Secretariat of State; it also deals with possible administrative appeals relating to the matters under the jurisdiction of the Dicastery.