27-29 May 2022: FEAMC symposium: Challenges of competence and compassion in contemporary medicine


FEAMC extended board meeting, including a symposium, to be held in Assisi, Italy, open for members of associated associations.

Life venue in Assisi

  • Participation in the symposium (general costs, social dinner): € 80,–, students € 40,–
  • Stay Domus Pacis Assisi, full board: single room €80,– per night, double or twin room € 65,– p.p. per night or € 130,– per night (2 persons), triple room € 60,– p.p. per night
  • Visit to Francescan places (San Damiano, Eremo delle Carceri, Rocca etc) for non-participating partners € 50,–

Online participation

  • Participation in the online symposium (general costs): € 40,–, students € 20,–
  • Zoom

General information

  • Conference language: English
  • For presenters: PowerPoint presentation obligatory

Provisional program

Thursday, May 26th, 2022
19.00Holy Mass Ascension Day – regular Mass at Santa Maria degli Angeli
20.00Welcome dinner
Friday, May 27th, 2022
8.00Holy Mass in Chapel Domus Pacis
Symposium Opening Session
9.00Introduction to the symposium
Assist. prof.dr. Vincenzo Defilippis (Italy), President of FEAMC
Mgrs. Jacques Suaudeau (France), Ecclesiastical Assistent to FIAMC / FEAM
9.15Lecture “Synodal process in Europe: health expectations and prospects”
Speaker invited
9.35Lecture “Compassion in medicine”
Mgrs. Jacques Suaudeau (France), Ecclesiastical Assistent of FIAMC / FEAMC
10.15Coffee break
Session I: Health care systems – Physician-patient relationship – competence and compassion
Moderators: prof.dr. Jozef Glasa (Slovakia) / dr. Jan Cap (Czech Republik)
10.45Lecture: “Challenges of the paradigmatically changing medicine and health care cystems (Post-Covid-19 and beyond)”
Prof.dr. Jozef Glasa – internist (Slovakia), clinical pharmacologist, hepatologist, and bioethicist / Slovak christian doctors and health professionals / FEAMC vice-president
11.00Lecture “Contemporary physician-patient relationships and compassion”
Prof.dr. Frans J. van Ittersum – internist-nephrologist (Netherlands) / chair Dutch Catholic Association of Health Care Workers / FEAMC secretary general
11.15Lecture “Evidence Based Medicine and compassion”
Prof.dr. Alexandre Laureano Santos (Portugal), cardiologist
12.00Lunch Break – Informal activities, networking, meeting the speakers
Session II: Perinatal medicine and compassion
Moderator Prof. Filippo Boscia (Italy), President Italian Society of Catholic Doctors
15.00Lecture “Obstetrics & Gynaecology and compassion”
Prof.dr. Bogdan Chazan (Poland), gynecologist – obstetrician, medical director of MaterCare International and deputy head of the Polish Society of Catholic Physicians / FEAMC vice president
15.15Lecture “Aid for pregnant women – the abortion pill regret story”
Dr. Dermot Kearney (United Kingdom), cardiologist, FEAMC vice-president
15.30Lecture “Pediatrics and compassion”
Prof.dr. Jose Diogo Ferreira Martins (Portugal), Heart Pediatrician / president of the Portugese Society of Catholic Doctors
16.00Coffee break
Session III: Surgery and compassion
Moderator dr. Francois Blin (France)
16.20Lecture “Surgery and compassion”
Dr. Filippo Anelli (Italy), President of  Federazione Ordini Medici Chirurghi Italiani
16.35Lecture “Surgery and compassion”
Dr. Didier Legeais (France)
16.50Lecture “The place of compassion within the Hippocratic tradition, according to Professor Jerome Jejeune”
Dr. Aude Dugast (France)director of the “Bioethics Master Class, Fondation Jerome Lejeune”
17.20Coffee break
Session IV: Compassion in some medical disciplines I
Moderator prof.dr. Bernard Ars (Belgium)
17.40Lecture “Infectious diseases and compassion”
Assit. prof.dr. Rok Civljak (Croatia)
17.55Lecture “Hepatology liver transplantation and compassion”
Assist. prof.dr. Helena Glasova (Slovakia)
18.10Lecture “Neurology and compassion”
Dr. Pavel Kostka (Czech Republik)
18.25Lecture “Oncology and compassion”
Prof.dr. Javier Sanz (Spain)
19.00Closure – Symposium Day 1
Saturday, 28th, 2022
Session V “Compassion in some medical disciplines II”
Moderator Dr. Jose-Maria Simon-Castellvi (Spain)
9.00Lecture “Psychiatry and compassion”
Dr. Ermanno Pavesi (Switzerland)
9.15Lecture “Medical psychology and compassion”
Prof. Chiara Scardicchio (Italy), psychologist, University of Bari
9.30Lecture “Physical and rehabilitation medicine and compassion”
Dr. Vincenzo Saraceni (Italy), University of Roma
10.00Coffee break
Session VI: End of life and compassion
Moderator Prof.dr. Alfredo Anzani
10.15Lecture “Intensive medicine – anaesthesiology and compassion”
Rev. Prof. Andrius Narbekovas (Lithuania)
10.30Lecture “Geriatrics and compassion”
drs. Lotte Voets MD (Netherlands)
10.45Lecture “Palliative Care and compassion”
Speaker invited
11.00Lecture: “Nursing care and compassion”
Speaker invited
11.30Coffee break
Session VII: Gender medicine and compassion
Moderator prof.dr. Nadiya Helner (Ukraine)
11.45Lecture “Gender medicine – true medicine or ideology?”
Speaker invited
12.00Lecture “Genetics of gender medicine and compassion”
Dario Sacchini (Italy)
12.15Lecture “Pschychology and psychiatry of gender medicine and compassion”
Speaker invited
12.45Coffee break
Closing session
13.00Lectio magistralis Compassion: practically?
H.E. Mons. Vincenzo Paglia (Italy), President of the Pontifical Academy of Life
13.20Presentation of the final document and closing of the congress Assist.
Assist. prof.dr. Vincenzo DeFilippis (Italy), president of FEAMC
Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau (France), ecclesiastical/spiritual assistent to FIAMC / FEAMC
15.00Departure for visit Assisi (S. Chiara, S. Petronio, Convent and Basilica of San Francesco)
18.30Holy Mass in the Lower Basilica of Saint Francis
20.00Return to Domus Pacis
20.30Gala dinner
Sunday May 29th, 2022
9.00Visit Basilica S. Maria degli Angeli
11.00Holy Mass

Register for this symposium