Save the Date!!
The 2021 Leadership Training Meeting will be June 18-20, 2021
(board meeting on June 17, 2021) in Mundelein, IL.
Open to all Catholic Medical Association Members!
We are anticipating a successful Leadership Training Meeting with excellent speakers, meetings and spiritual formation. In keeping with our strategy to integrate a transparent and effective organizational model for the CMA, it’s important for us to open the meeting to all of the membership of the CMA.
If you are a State Director, Guild President, officer of your Guild, thinking about a leadership position in the Guild, or thinking about forming a Guild, then this meeting is especially for you, and we encourage you to sign up ASAP. It will provide you with the tools and skills necessary to further expand your Guild.
In addition, any CMA member who wants to become more engaged and effective in the CMA locally, regionally, or nationally is invited to attend as well.
The primary fruit of these events in past years has been a phenomenal growth in camaraderie, inspiration, and motivation, with concrete ideas to take back home and implement. Also, opportunities will be presented to serve on different apostolates of the CMA.
If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact the CMA National Office by phone (484) 270-8002 or by email
Click to see video for more information
Thomas W. McGovern, M.D.Leadership Training Meeting Chair

The Catholic Medical Association Medical 2019 Student & Resident Boot Camp and Leadership Training Meeting took place at the Mundelein Seminary on June 13, 14, & 15. The CMA Medical Student and Resident Boot Camp is a several-day intensive formation experience of prayer, study, practical training, and mentoring with leading Catholic Medical Association physicians, priests, and moral theologians. (Photo: Natalie Battaglia)