The theme of the 2024 Catholic Medical Association’s 93rd Annual Educational Conference is:“Imago Dei: Made in His Image, Male and Female He Created Them” The words from Genesis 1:27 have been the basis of Judeo-Christian anthropology for millennia.They form part of the backbone of Christian doctrine and have defined ethics and morality in allfields of human endeavor. During the past decades we have seen an astonishing transformation of notions which havedirected traditional healthcare, medical education and research, and the laws that govern it. Newrenderings and redefinitions of what it means to be human are being presented as accepted, andeven mandated standards of clinical practice. Nascent technologies which in theory are not bythemselves harmful are being explored for use in a transformation of men and women, often beyondrecognition. The medical establishment has gradually moved away, then, from that most importanttenet which gave way to its development: that we are made in the “image and likeness of God”.As healthcare professionals, we seek the clarity of Christ-centered medical and moral ethics. This ishow we will be able to navigate all the challenges that are being presented. Thus, the topics to bediscussed during the Annual Educational Conference will focus on concepts related to the theologyof the body and its relationship to current dilemmas in clinical practice. Underscored will be the preeminence of the Eucharist in our journey as Catholic healthcareprofessionals, especially as the Church in the United States continues a pilgrimage of EucharisticRevival. We place this conference under the intercession of holy witnesses, icons of God who exemplify theEucharistic life we must lead as we care for our fellow image bearers: St. Padre Pio, St. Pope PaulIV, Blessed Carlo Acutis, St. John Henry Cardinal Newman, St. Catherine of Sienna, and Blessed José Gregorio Hernández. |

8101 World Center Drive
Orlando, FL 32821
CMA Room Block rate
Queen Double or Standard King $149.00King Deluxe: $169.00Villas: $299.00
Must reserve by August 12th
(registration fees not included)
Rates are effective until August 12, 2024.
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The Catholic Medical Association (CMA) is the largest association of Catholic individuals in health care. We help our members to grow in faith, maintain ethical integrity, and provide excellent health care in accordance with the teachings of the Church.