Catholic Medical Association Applauds HHS Action to Enforce Section 1557 of Affordable Care Act, Protect Conscience, Religious Freedom
Philadelphia, PA- June 17, 2020— Catholic Medical Association (USA) today expressed its gratitude to the Department of Health and Human Services for its action to enforce Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act.
Under HHS’ new rule, health care workers at federally funded facilities are no longer obligated to perform or partake in procedures- including transgender surgeries- which violate their conscience or religious freedoms.
“The need for the protection of conscience rights and the courage to stand up for up for religious freedom and human life is at the core of CMA’s mission to inspire its physicians to imitate the life of Jesus Christ,” said CMA President, Dr. Michael Parker.

Without this type of protection, health care workers cannot be true advocates for patients.
“This rule not only protects doctors and nurses who have otherwise been forced to violate their conscience, but it protects patients who trust that their caretakers can be honest and act in their best interest,” added Dr. Parker.
CMA commends the action of HHS and looks forward to the impact it will have.