Dear ProLife Colleague
A quick look across the Atlantic:
The Irish people have been besieged by an assault to legalize abortion in their country for over 20 years. Radical pro-abortion advocates from around the world, including Planned Parenthood, have intensified their efforts greatly in the last few years.
Abortion activists claim that abortion is necessary to reduce maternal mortality and protect the life and health of the mother, a claim which is utterly false. Ireland is proof with one of the lowest maternal mortality rates in the world.
Please read the following email from Youth Defense of Ireland and Dr Eoghan de Faoite to fill you in:
Calling all Doctors and Nurses for Life!
Greetings from Ireland! Hope all is well, and your work for mothers and babies is thriving.
For 20 years, the Irish people have resisted a global push to see abortion legalised. The pressure to legalise abortion in Ireland is never-ending. Radical pro-abortion campaigners from Planned Parenthood have taken Ireland to the European Court saying that Ireland as “the jewel in the pro-life crown” and one that must be smashed. Why? Because our experience proves that abortion is never necessary, since Ireland, without abortion, is the safest place in the world for a mother to have a baby.
But now the threat is very real and the Fine Gael / Labour government who have a large majority, plan on legalising abortion by July. They have posted heads of a bill which is frightening and will see an abortion regime implemented in Ireland that would bring us in line with the massive rates seen in our neighbour, Britain.
We are fighting back as much as we can, every day brings new challenges and hopes. One such initiative is the Dublin Declaration. Born at the International Symposium for Maternal Health last September 2012, The Dublin Declaration on Maternal Health was written and signed by a select panel of the Committee on Excellence in Maternal Healthcare. It has already been signed by over 500 medical practitioners but we need hundreds more signatures.
Here is the text of the Declaration below:
“As experienced practitioners and researchers in obstetrics and gynaecology, we affirm that direct abortion – the purposeful destruction of the unborn child – is not medically necessary to save the life of a woman.
We uphold that there is a fundamental difference between abortion, and necessary medical treatments that are carried out to save the life of the mother, even if such treatment results in the loss of life of her unborn child.
We confirm that the prohibition of abortion does not affect, in any way, the availability of optimal care to pregnant women.”
Would it be possible to promote this Declaration amongst your colleagues in your pro-life organisation and other pro-life circles. It is translated into lots of different languages on the website and its really easy to sign up! It is intended to launch the Declaration in June in an effort to break through the massive confusion caused deliberately by the government and media.
So please visit and sign up!• LOTS OF TRANSLATIONS <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001HaNW5NgDQx9S7PecxrXrJSKn6ynCxp3zjg1SAKvYvFw-CVEbFtESKpvclbXgi7j_c8Vefh60sjdjNBXMhYJbadv5EVgUTL7ktgE6W879AUacEdBv8jRbz3Kct0wxV5gv-MhwyK75J579CP_KibISrQ==> • EASY SIGN UP! <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001HaNW5NgDQx9S7PecxrXrJSKn6ynCxp3zjg1SAKvYvFw-CVEbFtESKpvclbXgi7j_c8Vefh60sjdjNBXMhYJbadv5EVgUTL7ktgE6W879AUacEdBv8jRbz3Kct0wxV5gv-MhwyK75J579CP_KibISrQ==>http://www.dublindeclaration.com/translations/
I am most grateful for your support.
God Bless,
Dr Eoghan de Faoite
[…] http://www.fiamc.org/news/keep-abortion-out-of-ireland/ […]