Defending and Promoting Human Dignity in a Secular Age
2019 marks 40 years since John Paul II presented his first “Wednesday catechesis” on the Theology of the Body. This fifth International Symposium will be held on the week-end of the Feasts of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and of Saints Peter and Paul.
It will discuss and promote John Paul II’s Theology of the Body within a general theme—Defending and Promoting Human Dignity in a Secular Age—centering around the 50th anniversary of the promulgation of Humanae Vitae. All the talks will be given in English.
The goal is to make a contribution to healing the current cultural situation of the Church and humanity with respect to sexuality, marriage, the family, education and human happiness by exploring ever deeper the goodness, truth and beauty of the Divine plan for human life and love.
We wish this event to be an opportunity for a deepening of personal faith and self-understanding that will inspire greater participation in the New Evangelization.
Since the Symposium will facilitate the bringing together of people from many countries and cultures, it is our hope that this encounter will also foster and develop prosperous networks to assist participants with their own evangelization initiatives.
Register soon
The sooner you register:
- the better your chances that your room choice is still available
- the better we can plan the symposium,
- the cheaper your registration fee*
*The registration fee for the symposium covers all talks, coffee breaks, and evening socials. The earlier you sign up, the better your rate:
- Early bird rate (before April 22): € 70
- Normal rate: € 90 (between April 22 & May 22)
- Last minute rate: € 120 (after May 22 but before June 21)

Peter Colosi
Salve Regina University, Newport, RI

Marguerite Duane
FACTS, Georgetown University

Cardinal Eijk
Archbishop of Utrecht

Obianuju Ekeocha
Culture of Life Africa

Maria Fedoryka
Ave Maria University, FL

Mgr. de Jong
Auxiliary Bishop of Roermond

Gudrun Kugler
Österreichische Volkspartei

Fr. Kevin O’Reilly OP
The Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), Rome

Katie van Schaijik
The Personalist Project

Janet Smith
Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, MI

Anthony Towey
St. Mary’s University, Twickenham, London

Peter Colosi
Salve Regina University, Newport, RI

Monica Rapeanu
Co-founder of the ToB International Symposia

Jules van Schaijik
The Personalist Project

Fr. Luc Simons
Lead organizer of the 5th International ToB Symposium
We are grateful to our sponsors