Dr. Niklaus Waldis is a distinguished member of the Executive Committee of the FIAMC and representative for Europe.
An eBook that tells you in clear, easy to understand simple language about the harmful side effects that any hormone pill type contraceptive and IUD can cause.
The aim of the eBook is to replace unawareness with knowledge and understanding and enable women, girls and menfolk to know what women and girls are doing to their bodies when taking – using any type of hormone contraceptive or IUD.
Also mentioned is the effective alternative to hormone contraception. Ideal for couples in loyal marriage. Knowledge that everyone should have.
This eBook is available at www.booklocker.com/books/3245.html
ISBN 1 872709 05 2
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The Truth About the Pill and Contraception (excerpt)
Dr Niklaus Waldis MDThe Truth About the Pill and Contraception
Hormones are very potent substances produced by a
gland in the body. They are transported by the
bloodstream to the target organ. A small quantity of
the hormonal substance is sufficient to push the target
organ to start a certain specific activity.
The main target organs of the female sexual hormones
are the ovaries, the womb and the breast. Being potent
substances, the female sexual hormones not only push
the main target hormones into action: they may
produce changes throughout the whole body.
The substances used for contraception are designed
and produced by the chemical industry. They are
similar to the female sexual hormones and produce the
same effects and changes in the body.
The pill contains one to three different substances that
are very similar to the female sexual hormones and
produce a similar effect in the body of a woman. The
considerations of this chapter are valid and applicable
to a more or less extent to all contraceptives on a
hormonal base. The Truth About the Pill and Contraception 12
This means by which the pill, the ovulation inhibitor,
the ovulation preventer works.
a) Inhibition of Ovulation
Meaning the prevention of ovulation and therefore the
prevention of conception and pregnancy.
b) Cervical Mucus
The stopping of the production of the wet, slippery
mucus which sustains sperm.
c) Fallopian Tube Movement
Causing the fallopian tubes to move abnormally and to
contract slower, thus delaying the fertilised ovum (egg
cell) in its travel to the womb. By the time it reaches
the womb, it is too weak to embed in the endometrium,
the womb lining.
d) Prevention of Implantation
Causing the endometrium, the lining of the womb
which is normally comforting and hospitable to the
fertilised ovum to no longer be hospitable to the ovum
This makes nidation, meaning the implanting of the
fertilised ovum in the endometrium, impossible.The Truth About the Pill and Contraception 13
Conception and Pregnancy
At this point let me briefly explain conception and the
development of the new human being during the first
few days of its life.
From the vagina, the sperm pass through the cervix.
The cervical glands produce mucus both as a barrier
and a nutrient for the sperm.
The sperm continue their way up the uterus (womb)
into the fallopian tubes. Here, they meet the ovum.
This comes out of the ovary during ovulation.
After fertilisation in the outer third of a fallopian tube,
the fertilised ovum, the new human being develops and
is moved along the fallopian tube to the womb. This
takes a few days.
Then, in the uterus, the womb, the embryo is implanted
in the endometrium for further nutrition and
and growth. This is what we call nidation or
How the Pill Works:
a) Inhibition, Prevention of Ovulation
The pill was originally meant to inhibit, meaning to
prevent, to stop ovulation by suppressing the ovaries
with high doses of female hormones.The Truth About the Pill and Contraception 14
Due to unfavourable side effects, the hormone content
of the pills had to be reduced. As a result, it could be
proved that ovulation occurred in an average of 7% of
Ovulation always produces a chance of conception and
pregnancy. The actual pregnancy rate, using the pill,
was less than the 7% expected.
Why was there a difference between the rate of
ovulations observed and the rate of pregnancies
occurring, whilst a woman was taking the pill?
Could it be that the pill was preventing pregnancies by
other ways than just by stopping ovulation?
Indeed, further research showed that there are 3 other
ways by which the pill can prevent pregnancy.
b) Cervical Mucus
Some said that thickening of the cervical mucus
creates a barrier against the ascending sperm, but this
barrier isn’t that effective. Two other methods turned
out to be more important: The fallopian tube
movement and preventing implantation of the embryo
in the womb.
The cervical mucus in the progesterone phase of the
cycle (when the basal (resting) body temperature is The Truth About the Pill and Contraception 15
high), and when the pill completely stops ovulation
and maturation of follicles, is in fact very thick.
It is therefore a good barrier to sperm trying to enter
the womb. But at this time, you do not need an
effective barrier for the sperm, because the woman is
infertile at this time.
In the oestrogen (the fertile) phase of the cycle
however, and especially before ovulation, the mucus
becomes thin and watery and is no longer an effective
barrier against the ascending sperm.
This thin, slippery, wet mucus can be observed by the
woman as one of the signs of fertility. The wet mucus
helps propel the sperm to the fallopian tubes.
If the pill for one reason or another does not
completely block the ovary (meaning stop ovulation),
one can find maturing follicles (maturing ovums) in
the ovary.
This can lead to ovulation (failure of the ovulation
inhibiting, hindering action of the pill).
Every maturing follicle produces oestrogen, especially
the follicles before ovulation. This oestrogen can have
a thinning effect on the cervical mucus so that it no
longer hinders the upward movement of the sperm.The Truth About the Pill and Contraception 16
The incompleteness of the plugging process is
proved by the occurrence of pregnancies whilst
OCs, pills are being taken. Such pregnancies are
increasing in recent years with the lower and lower
dosed pills.
c) Fallopian Tube Movement
The hormonal change caused by the pill affects the
movements of the tubes. The transport of the embryo
is thus slowed down. By the time it reaches the
womb, the embryo is too old and can no longer
It actually dries out, failing to achieve the life-saving
implantation which would provide the necessary
nutrition for further development. This is an early
abortive method.
d) Preventing Implantation of the Embryo
The pill also changes the endometrium in such a way
that, even if the embryo reaches the womb in time,
nidation, implantation, cannot take place because the
endometrium is insufficiently developed, and the
embryo dies. Another early abortive method.
Now we can understand a statement made in the USA
in 1985 at the National Abortion Federation Congress:
“Make no mistake, the pill and IUD are abortive.”The Truth About the Pill and Contraception 17
Side Effects of the Pill
There is much controversy about the side-effects of
oral contraceptives. Most of these side-effects were
known at the end of the sixties, but somehow twenty
years passed before they became generally known to
the public.
I will list the most important side-effects which are
generally recognised as being caused by the pill (oral
a) Cardiovascular Side Effects
Cardiovascular, meaning concerning the heart and
blood vessels.
In Britain in 1977, the Royal College of General
Practitioners published a study in the “Lancet” which
looked back over two hundred thousand woman-years.
This was followed in 1981 by a similar study, but this
time looking forward over two hundred thousand
According to these studies, takers and ex-takers of
OCs, the pill, suffered a death rate from cardio- and
cerebro-vascular (blood vessels of the heart and
brain), side-effects 40% above the average,
especially from heart attacks and brain haemorrhages, The Truth About the Pill and Contraception 18
no matter whether they had taken the pill for a long or
short time.
(A haemorrhage is an escape of blood due to a rupture
of the blood vessel: It means bleeding, especially when
heavy and dangerous).
The risk to the woman increases with age, particularly
for those over 35, and is multiplied by smoking.
Further studies confirmed this: The risk of brain
haemorrhage for smokers was 5.7 times greater than
for non-smokers. For pill takers, 6.5 times greater than
for non-takers, and for those who both smoked and
took the pill, this risk was 22 times greater.
There is a clear risk of thrombo-embolisms, the
blockage of blood vessels by clotting of blood
associated with the use of the pill. Even the 17-24 age
group was affected.
The occurrence of side effects remained the same
after oestrogen doses were reduced. The risk of
thrombo-embolism was particularly high with some
of the newest micropills containing “gestoden”
(innovative, new progesterone-like artificial
manufactured hormones).
The risk was so high that the West German Health
Ministry felt obliged to issue a preliminary warning The Truth About the Pill and Contraception 19
pointing out the risk of veinous thrombosis, clotting of
the veins, due to the use of the pill.
It is worth noting the defensive efforts of the pill
manufacturers, who made futile attempts to
whitewash it but the West German Health Ministry
would certainly not have issued a public warning
without reason.
b) Promotion of Infection
Some studies showed a reduced risk of Pelvic
Inflammatory Disease (PID) with the pill. However,
more recent studies between 1987 and 1989 proved the
Women who take the pill suffer a 70% higher rate
of chlamydial (see below) and gonococcal infections
(micro-organisms causing gonorrhoea) than those who
do not take it.
OCs, the pill, encourage chlamydial infections in
the true pelvis. These infections are more difficult to
recognise, diagnose and treat than other infections, eg.
gonococcal infections.
These female genital infections lead to more extrauterine or ectopic pregnancies (pregnancy in the
fallopian tubes). Also, to sterility and to premature
deliveries.The Truth About the Pill and Contraception 20
The newborn child can be infected during delivery,
with chlamydia, resulting in potentially fatal
pulmonary (lung) infection.
Furthermore, chlamydia often causes obstruction of the
fallopian tubes leading to ectopic pregnancies in the
tubes. Ectopic pregnancies can cost the woman’s life.
A recent American theory suggests a possible link
between the spread of AIDS and ovulation stoppers,
the pill, even independently of sexual behaviour.
It proposes that, as OCs are steroid hormones similar
to cortisone, they weaken the immune system and help
the spread not only of chlamydial infections but also of
Investigations are being made to determine if even
harmless HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus),
viruses can mutate into the dangerous HIV forms, i.e.
because of changes in the vaginal environment brought
about by OCs.
c) Cancer Risk
1) Cervical Cancer
The occurrence of cervical cancer increases with the
strength of the pill and the length of use. There are
controversial studies about this.The Truth About the Pill and Contraception 21
It should be noted that smoking 20 or more cigarettes
a day increases the risk of developing cervical cancer 3
to 4 times. Increasing quantities of alcohol are
responsible for pre-cancerous changes.
Apart from that, we know today that the earlier the
first sexual activity, the less hygienic the first
partner, and the more often partners are changed,
the sooner cervical cancer is likely to develop.
This sexual behaviour is, of course, closely
associated with modern contraception.
2) Cancer of the Womb (Cancer of the
Endometrium, lining of the Womb)
High-dosed combination preparations, which contain
high levels of oestrogen and progestagen throughout
the whole cycle, afford protection against cancer of the
womb. Sequenced and all other preparations increase
the risk of cancer of the endometrium. Therefore
“Oracon” was the only sequenced preparation to be
taken off the market.
Sequenced preparations, are pills which contain only
oestrogen during the first phase of the menstrual cycle.
During the second phase of the cycle, they contain a
fixed combination of oestrogen and progestagen.
Progestagen means any progesterone-like substance
(known as progestin in the USA).The Truth About the Pill and Contraception 22
Because of this increased cancer risk, all the sequenced
preparations were therefore withdrawn from the USA
market in 1976. In Europe however, they are still
As the high-dosed Preparations (pills containing a lot
of oestrogen and progestagen), are hardly ever used
today, due to their cardiovascular side-effects, this
protective effect is reduced or even completely
3) Ovarian Cancer
The use of OCs, the pill, has been said to protect
against ovarian cancer according to the length of use.
Since these results stem from old studies with highdosed pills, it is possible that the protective effect is
lessened as the dose is reduced. This has still to be
4) Breast Cancer
The risk of developing breast cancer increases with
the length of OC, pill use. This was confirmed in a
study carried out by the Imperial Cancer Research
Fund’s epidemiology unit in Oxford, and published in
1989 in the “Lancet.” Progestagon-only pills
(progestagens are artificial progesterone), may have a
protective effect.The Truth About the Pill and Contraception 23
Two overviews, reconsiderations, of several medical
studies published in 1992 in both England and in
Switzerland came to the same conclusion: Especially
at risk of breast cancer were the women under 45
years, the women who had not had a child yet and
women who took the pill for more than 8 years.
Professor Joyeux, a French cancer specialist, also sees
a significant connection between OCs and breast
cancer. Because the carcinoma (cancer) involved only
appears after many years, numerous studies which
discount such a connection are unreliable, as they were
made over too short a time span.
At present, there is an explosive increase in breast
cancer. In the USA, pill-use is falling extremely
rapidly. Actually, the medical information provided by
most of the pill manufacturers mention an increase of
the risk of pill users developing breast cancer.
In China, there has been a return to natural methods
because sterilisation and OCs were too expensive, and
due to a proven increase of breast cancer.
5) Cancer of the Liver and Skin
Taking the pill for more than 4 years increases the risk
of liver cancer, eventually for skin cancer as well.The Truth About the Pill and Contraception 24
6) Psychological and Sexual Side Effects
The pill may cause depressive moods varying from
moodiness to full blown depression thus promoting
psychological, mental disorders.
Especially with the newer oral contraceptives, a large
proportion of women suffer from a reduced libido, to
the point of total loss.
This can be traced back both to the hormonal effect
and to the separation of sexuality and procreation made
possible for the first time by the pill.
It is known, that the possibility of becoming pregnant
significantly raises the libido (the desire for sexual
fulfilment) in a woman.
If, however a method of family planning is used which
deliberately excludes the possibility of reproduction,
nature subconsciously switches off with time, resulting
in loss of libido, sexual drive.
Loss of libido in the context of contraception means
that women are taking a drug for something they don‟t
desire anymore whilst taking the drug!
It is interesting to note, that given time, even a total
loss of libido can be reversed after discontinuation of
the pill. The Truth About the Pill and Contraception 25
This has frequently been demonstrated by a change to
natural family planning, regulating conception the
natural way.
This means the use of an infertile phase for sexual
intercourse, when it is not possible for the woman or
the girl to become pregnant. This is because she is
infertile during these phases of the cycle. This makes
the use of artificial methods unnecessary.
This is the technique of avoiding pregnancy the natural
way. The methods utilise the fact that the average
woman only becomes pregnant during some 3 to 6
days in each of her menstrual cycles.
7) After Pill Infertility Syndrome
Some women start taking the pill in their early years
and delay pregnancy until they are about 28, 30 or
more when they discontinue the pill in order to become
pregnant. They and their husbands then find that
pregnancy does not occur and the years go by without
There are many reasons for infertility but the reason
for after pill infertility in otherwise fertile couples is
that one of the ways the pill works is to stop the cervix
producing cervical mucus. Cervical mucus is necessary
for conception. It nourishes sperm and makes a
pathway along which it helps propel the sperm as they
move into the womb and the fallopian tubes to fertilise The Truth About the Pill and Contraception 26
the ovum. Without mucus, sperm cells deteriorate
rapidly. The effect of stopping the cervix producing
mucus results in the cervix having been put to sleep
and when pill taking is stopped, the cervix does not
make mucus.
The couple may have to wait 2 or 3 years until nature
restores the cervix to normal or it may never be
restored. Thus the couple may remain childless.
8) Infertility via Environmental Pollution
The hormones used for contraception and for hormone
replacement therapy after the menopause are not
destroyed, like the hormones produced by the body of
the woman. They therefore are excreted unchanged in
the urine. Through the sewage they get into the rivers,
into the ground water and pollute the downstream
drinking water.
For technical reasons the public water supply is not
able to filter off these artificial hormones. By drinking
public water men and women are taking in female
hormones without knowing it.
As “ethinyl-estradiol,” an oestrogen used in most of
the pills, is one of the most potent hormones, it has a
biological effect at a concentration of 1 nanogram per
millilitre or more. In Bavarian drinking water “ethinylestradiol” was measured at a concentration of 2 The book tells you in simple language the f…