Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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    Canada: 2023 Conference

      XXVIth FIAMC Congress Rome 2022

      The next international congres of the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC), under the presidency of Professor Dr. Bernard Ars, will be held in Rome, September 15 - 17th, 2022. Theme: Medicine: reparative or transformative ? The mission of the christian physician. === Venue:

        MaterCare Conference – Rome 2022 – “Mothers are Women too!”

        Postponed conference 2021 "Mothers are Women too" Prioritizing maternal health in the new millennium 13 – 14 September 2022 MaterCare International The 11th Biennal Rome ConferenceThe 13th International Conference Maria Santissima Bambina Institute Via Paolo VI, 21 Rome, Italy To register, please email: On

          USA: Annual Educational Conference 2022

          91st Annual Educational Conference, September 8-10, 2022 View the 2022 Conference Promo VideoThe 2022 conference theme is: Searching for the Truth: Medicine, Morality, and the Media.The 91st Annual Education Conference will highlight the intersection of medical practice, bioethics and morality and the pervasive effect of media

            Annual conference and Scientific meeting of the Nigerian Association – Program

            In a few days, the Association of Catholic Medical Practitioners of Nigeria (ACMPN) will have it's 16th National Conference: Theme: Strategies for Improving Health Worker Status in a Challenging World. 15th-16th July, 2022, via Zoom With a Goodwill Massage from FIAMC president Bernard Ars Registration

              Vatican: XXX World Day of the Sick

              Celebrations for the 30th World Day of the Sick will be held in the Vatican On 10 February a webinar on the history and meaning of the Day, on the 11th a mass in St Peter's Basilica The World Day of the Sick, which falls

                European Symposium: May 27-29, 2022, Assisi

                27-29 May 2022: FEAMC symposium: Challenges of competence and compassion in contemporary medicine FEAMC extended board meeting, including a symposium, to be held in Assisi, Italy, open for members of associated associations. Life venue in Assisi Participation in the symposium (general costs, social dinner): €

                  Congress: “Moral Distress in Healthcare Professions: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives”

                  Doctoral School in Clinical and Experimental Medicine and Medical Humanities University of Insubria2 December 2021Room 5 MGTVia Monte Generoso n.71 - Varese Scientific coordinators: Prof. Mario Picozzi, MD, PhD::; Dr. Alessandra A. Grossi, MSc, MAS,; Dr. Silvia Ceruti: Center for Clinical Ethics Dept. of

                    IV Congresso Brasileiro de Médicos Católicos a Brasília

                    As Associações de Médicos Católicos de vários municípios e dioceses convidam os Médicos e estudantes de Medicina para o IV Congresso Brasileiro de Médicos Católicos! Sejam bem-vindos a Brasília!  Que a Sagrada Família de Nazaré nos abençoe e que os Santos Médicos nos precedam! Veja

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                      USA: 2021 Annual Educational Conference

                      2021 Annual Educational ConferenceOctober 7-9, 20212021 Conference Promo Video Caribe Royale Orlando

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