Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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    Our Virtual Asian Congress 2021

    The 17th AFCMA Congress 2021 - The congress of Oct-Nov 2020 has been postponed to 16th September 2021 till 19th September 2021 Website: WWW.AFCMA2020.COM Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,  Peace be with you! On behalf of the Organising Committee it is my pleasure to welcome you

      Message for the Opening Ceremony of the IV National Congress 2021 and the constitution of the Catholic Medical Association of Brazil.

      Dear colleagues and friends in Brazil, On behalf of the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations, on behalf of its presidency and on my personal behalf, I can tell you that I am very happy to be with you, in Brasilia, via this recording, for

        Leadership Training Meeting (June, 2021)

        Save the Date!! The 2021 Leadership Training Meeting will be June 18-20, 2021(board meeting on June 17, 2021) in Mundelein, IL. Open to all Catholic Medical Association Members! We are anticipating a successful Leadership Training Meeting with excellent speakers, meetings and spiritual formation. In keeping

          Medical Student and Resident Boot Camp (June 2021)

          The CMA Boot Camp is an opportunity to learn about Catholic medical ethics and grow in faith with fellow Catholic students, residents, and physicians.  Save the Date!! The 2021 Medical Student and Resident Boot Camp will be June 13-20, 2021 in Mundelein, IL.  Who: CMA members

            Premed, medical student and resident conference

            Welcome to all current and future physicians, nurses, & healthcare workers! We are excited to join together to celebrate our community, provide personal support tools & educate one another on how to embrace Catholic principles in the Medical Profession!   2021 Speakers Thomas W. McGovern,

              Canadian Conference 2020 – Autumn (postponed)

              12th Annual ConferenceCanadian Federation of CatholicPhysicians & Societies The in-person conference will be replaced by an online conference on October 17-18, 2020.The program and the registration information will be available very soon. Wonderfully madeTechnology for patient care BECAUSE OF THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC, THE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE

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                Divine Mercy Medicine, Bioethics, and Spirituality Conference (Virtual)

                November 6-7, 2020 Healthcare professionals and those desiring to learn how to integrate their faith in their practice: Please join us *virtually* for the 16th Annual Divine Mercy Medicine, Bioethics, and Spirituality Conference, sponsored by Healthcare Professionals for Divine Mercy, an apostolate of the Marian

                  USA Educational Conference 2020: Saints Cosmas and Damien, Pray for US

                  Saints Cosmas and Damien, Pray for US. Today, the Church celebrates the holy life and martyrdom of two twin physicians. They practiced medicine without charging a fee. They dedicated their lives and offered up their deaths for their commitment to our Catholic Faith. Their names

                    Catholic Medical Association Virtual 2020 Annual Educational Conference

                    The theme of the conference is “Medicine’s Integrity:Reclaiming the Doctor-Patient Relationship”. Conference speakers will focus on national and cultural currents (Law, Humanities, Psychology, Theology, History) that might harm the doctor-patient relationship at the practical or personal level. How do we as Catholic physicians respond to

                      Online FIAMC Bio-Medical Ethics Course

             REGISTRATION Complete the form below to enroll yourself for the Certificate in Bio-Medical Ethics [Co-branded with Nirmala Niketan College of Social Work] for the year 2020-21 By completing the form you are willing to commit yourself fully to this course. Fédération Internationale des Associations

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