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Entrevista al Dr. Eduardo Bataller

«Me dijeron que si hubieran sabido que yo no hacía abortos no me habrían contratado» El ginecólogo y portavoz de la asociación de Médicos Cristianos de Cataluña ve «una vergüenza» la lista de objetores Guillermo Altarriba Vilanova Barcelona 14/06/2024 Actualizada 04:301FacebookTwitterWhatsappEnviar por Email El ginecólogo Eduardo Bataller tiene claro

FIAMC declaration following the WMA General Assembly in Berlin

The World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC) welcomes several new policies published by the World Medical Association (WMA) following the General Assembly in Berlin, October 2022. They include new Declarations on Racism and Discrimination Against Elderly Individuals in Healthcare Settings as well as the

CMA USA Tom McGovern: “The challenges of Catholic doctors around the world”

The World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC) hosted a congress to discuss the mission of the Christian physician. EWTN Vatican Bureau Chief, Andreas Thonhauser, had the opportunity to interview Doctor Thomas McGovern, member of the Catholic Medical Association of the US. Dr. McGovern discusses

CMA-UK to the WMA: on the revised draft of the International Code of Medical Ethics

Introduction  The Catholic Medical Association (UK) represents Catholic doctors, nurses, pharmacists, hospital chaplains and other healthcare professionals within the UK. It celebrated its centenary in 2011. The CMA has its own charity, the Catholic Medical Missionary Society, to support medical projects in the Developing World.

The Dangers of Removing Conscience Protection

BY NADIA SMITH The last decade has witnessed an increasing momentum behind eliminating protections, exceptions and accommodations for objecting to medical standards in the name of conscience. Who are the leading opponents of conscience protections, and what would happen to medicine if they had their

Catholic Doctors and Protection of Conscience

Catholic Medical Association Applauds HHS Action to Enforce Section 1557 of Affordable Care Act, Protect Conscience, Religious Freedom Philadelphia, PA- June 17, 2020— Catholic Medical Association (USA) today expressed its gratitude to the Department of Health and Human Services for its action to enforce Section 1557

Medici: il diritto e il dovere di dire no

di  STEFANO OJETTI Vice Presidente AMCI  E’  di questi giorni l'ennesimo attacco all'obiezione di coscienza dei medici lanciato dall'Associazione Medici Italiani Contraccezione e Aborto (AMICA) coadiuvata dall'Associazione Luca Coscioni e dall'Unione Atei e Agnostici Razionalisti (UAAR) relativa alla richiesta, rivolta ai Ministri della Salute, dell'Università

Obiezione di coscienza: Campus Bio-Medico di Roma

ABORTO Obiezione di coscienza preventiva, la nuova strategia La polemica scatenata dalle associazioni abortiste contro il Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, per l'obbligatorietà della scelta dell'obiezione di coscienza richiesta ai suoi studenti, fa emergere un fatto nuovo: la possibilità - e la necessità - di obiezione

CMA-USA launches conscience app

Doctors who have ethical questions in the midst of treating a patient can check their phones for answers. Catholic physicians who are concerned about the ethical implications of care and treatment decisions now have a new tool to help them, and it will fit right

Appel aux parlementaires belges sur l’éthique médicale

Parlement fédéral de la Belgique (Photo JGR&BXL) Nous apprenons que notre parlement fédéral désire légiférer à nouveau dans le domaine bioéthique. En particulier, des parlementaires de plusieurs partis proposent deux choses, qui nous semblent graves de conséquences. Premièrement, ils désirent allonger la durée permise pour

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