Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Boscia: L’alleanza terapeutica tra fiducia e coscienza FILIPPO MARIA BOSCIA* - Preparando una relazione, mi piace riflettere ed anche pormi delle domande. Oggi l’attualità ci propone il disumano ragionevole: l’uccidere per pietà, sostenuto da tante giustificazioni. Ma il disumano ragionevole serpeggia sotto certi aspetti in tutti gli ambiti sociali, come serpeggia nell’ambito

Doctor-Patient Relationship – World Day of the Sick – 2021

Prof. Dr. Bernard Ars, President F.I.A.M.C.. Version française plus basVersión en español a continuaciónVersão portuguesa abaixoVersione italiana di seguito Photo: President Bernard Ars in front of the tomb of Saint Teresa of Calcutta, World Day of the Sick 2019. Dear Colleagues, February 11 is recognized

La eutanasia destruye la relación médico-paciente

Manuel Martínez-Sellés, jefe de cardiología del Hospital Gregorio Marañón de Madrid, es el nuevo presidente del Colegio de Médicos de Madrid, tras arrasar en las elecciones con el 52 por ciento de los 6.189 sufragios emitidos (las otras candidaturas obtuvieron el 31%, el 12% y el 5%). Es

Ai confini della vita: il ruolo del medico

COMUNICATO DELLA PRESIDENZA NAZIONALE AMCI Associazione Medici Cattolici Italiani   Presidenza Nazionale COMUNICATO DELLA PRESIDENZA NAZIONALE AMCI ELABORATO, APPROVATO E SOTTOSCRITTO ALL’UNANIMITA’ Il 30 gennaio 2020 l’Associazione Medici Cattolici Italiani, con grande senso di responsabilità e lungimiranza, ha organizzato in Roma in Palazzo Maffei Marescotti un

Vatican shines spotlight on palliative care, wellbeing of elderly

Vatican Symposium shines spotlight on palliative care, wellbeing of elderly A Vatican symposium on Religion and Medical Ethics is focusing its attention on spirituality in two key areas: palliative care, and the mental health of the elderly. By Lydia O'Kane ( A two-day symposium looking at


THE PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR HEALTH CARE WORKERS: THE ‘GOOD SAMARITAN’ FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL STUDY MEETING (IV) The Child as a Person and as a Patient: Therapeutic Approaches Compared Vatican City, 14-15 June 2013, St. Pius X Hall (Via dell’Ospedale, 1, Rome)   FRIDAY 14 JUNE 8.00

Patients are “icon” of christ

1 April 1990 To the sick and hospital staff in a Hospital of the Daughters of Saint Camillus To the sick and the hospital staff, during a pastoral visit to the Hospital run by the Daughters of Saint Camillus in Acqua Bullicante. 1.We are now

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The defence of life and the dignity of the human person must be the paramount concern in all scientific research

28 August 1989 To participants in a Congress on Twin Studies To participants in the Sixth International Congress on Twin Studies at Castel Gandolfo. Professor Gedda, Ladies and Gentlemen, 1.I am very pleased to greet you, the distinguished physicians, biologists, psychologists and educators who have come

The doctor’s mission is to provide healing of disease and its prevention

18 March 1989 May the Most Holy Virgin, Health of the Sick and Seat of Wisdom, inspire and accompany your work, on which I invoke the heavenly Blessing. On the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the "Bambino Gesù" Children's Hospital in Rome 1."Who then

Scientific progress cannot prescind from the dignity of man’s destinity

5 December 1982 To the members of the Pro-life Movement participating in a Medical Congress   Representatives of the “Pro-life Movement” from many countries in the world, in Rome to participate in the First International Medical Congress organized by the Movement on the theme “Pre-natal

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