Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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    Doctors Without Borders Teams up with Do-it-Yourself Abortion Group

    By Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D. | February 28, 2020 WASHINGTON, D.C., February 28 (C-Fam) The humanitarian group Doctors Without Borders launched online medical abortion guidelines that its partner group acknowledges will be used for do-it-yourself abortions. Doctors Without Borders, also known as Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), says it “has teamed

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      En Nouvelle-Zélande, l’avortement deviendra-t-il un soin de santé ?

      La Nouvelle-Zélande veut retirer toute restriction légale à l'avortement jusqu'à 5 mois (20 semaines) de grossesse. En août 2019, le Parlement néozélandais a voté en première lecture un projet de loi actuellement en débat pour libéraliser l'avortement. Deux lectures sont encore nécessaires pour promulguer la loi. La loi néozélandaise

        La Defensa de la Vida Humana en Argentina

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          Appeal to Belgian parliamentarians on medical ethics

          Federal Parliament of Belgium (Photo JGR&BXL) We learn that our federal parliament wants to legislate again in the field of bioethics. In particular, parliamentarians from several parties are proposing two things, which we think have serious consequences. First, they want to extend the duration allowed

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            Nearly 1,000 N Ireland medical personnel say they won’t perform abortions

            Belfast, Northern Ireland, Oct 24, 2019 / 03:41 pm (CNA).- A Northern Ireland doctor opposed to abortion said he collected the signatures of 911 health care professionals in the region who will refuse to perform abortions under a new measure that legalized the procedure. Dr.

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            CMA-USA against AMA´s Abortion Statement

            October 21, 2019 Catholic Medical Association Speaks Out Against AMA’s Abortion-Defending Statement Philadelphia, PA—The Catholic Medical Association is voicing opposition to a recent abortion-defending position issued by the American Medical Association. In its statement, “Ban on standard D&E abortion procedure is unsafe, unwarranted,” which is

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              USA Actions Enforcing Conscience Law on Abortion

              USCCB Committee Chairmen Commend Administration for Actions Enforcing Conscience Law on Abortion August 29, 2019 WASHINGTON-The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights announced yesterday that it is taking corrective action against the University of Vermont Medical Center for forcing a

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                Pick up the pieces lest they be wasted

                “Pick up the pieces lest they be wasted” (Jn 6:12). How much these words tear at the heart strings.  How can we find the pieces of the babies?  Where can we go to collect the pieces of the babies who have been aborted so that

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                  New policy regarding fetal tissue research is the proper ethical decision

                  Dept. of HHS decision to change the NIH grants policy regarding fetal tissue research is the proper ethical decisionThe American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) applauded the announcement by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Trump Administration that, after

                    USA: Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

                    April 2, 2019 Catholic Medical Association supports Rep. Scalise’s Discharge Petition to force vote on the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act PHILADELPHIA, PA– April 2, 2019 –The Catholic Medical Association today issued its full support of House Republican Whip Steve Scalise, who plans to introduce

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