Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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    Clause de conscience, un point de vigilance

    L’article R 4127-18 du code de Santé Publique confirme pour le médecin la possibilité de mettre en avant sa clause de conscience devant une demande d’Interruption Volontaire de Grossesse (IVG). Pourquoi faut-il donc s’inquiéter ? Depuis plusieurs années cette disposition est régulièrement mise en cause. En

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      Day of the Unborn 2019

      Celebrate the Annunciation as the Day of the Unborn Child! March 25, which is nine months before the celebration of the Birth of Christ, is the Annunciation, when Jesus was conceived within the body of the Virgin Mary as she accepted her call to be

      CMA-USA condems new abortion laws

      Catholic Medical Association condemns New York’s new abortion laws, calls on Catholics to demand action from state lawmakers PHILADELPHIA, PA– FEBRUARY 6, 2019 – The Catholic Medical Association resolutely condemns the Reproductive Health Act (RHA), signed into New York law by Governor Andrew Cuomo in January—as well as “copy-cat”

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        « Keys to bioethics », la bioéthique dans une application

        Un manuel pour smartphones sera présenté au Panama, disponible en trois langues L'embryon est-il juste un amas de cellules ? Les techniques de diagnostic prénatal sont-elles acceptables ? Qui juge la valeur d'une vie ? La procréation assistée est-elle la seule alternative en cas d'infertilité

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          Christmas, Natale, Noël by Fr Suaudeau

          “For today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke, 2, 11) Today: it is today that comes to us the Lord, the Savior, in the liturgical evocation of Christmas, in the material representation of

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            Baby Body Parts from Abortions for Research, “Deeply Disturbing”

            U.S. Bishops’ Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities Calls NIH’s Dr. Francis Collins Defense of Using Baby Body Parts from Abortions for Research “Deeply Disturbing” December 18, 2018 WASHINGTON—Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), recently defended current NIH research that uses the

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              Stop abortion bill in Poland

              STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF THE “ZATRZYMAJ ABORCJĘ” (“STOP ABORTION”) BILL IN POLAND L Current legislation in Poland allows abortion under any one of three circumstances; danger to the mother's health, rape or incest, and when prenatal tests show serious illness of disabilities in the unborn

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                « Nous, médecins, avons toujours l’Espérance à rendre présente »

                « Nous, médecins, avons toujours l’Espérance à rendre présente » Listes d’attente, spéculation financière, dépression, pression pour promouvoir l’euthanasie, gestation pour autrui… Les défis que doivent affronter les médecins aujourd’hui sont nombreux et, pour certains, inédits. Rencontre avec le docteur Bernard Ars, nouveau président de

                  HHS to stop using fresh aborted baby tissue for research

                  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 24, 2018Contact: HHS Press Office 202-690-6343 Statement from the Department of Health and Human Services “After a recent review of a contract between Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc. and the Food and Drug Administration to provide human fetal tissue to develop

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                    Immoral medical actions

                    By Courtney Grogan Seoul, South Korea, Aug 30, 2018 / 04:47 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The South Korean government included abortion in a list of “immoral medical actions” earlier this month as the country’s abortion law was revised to enable authorities to suspend medical professionals for

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