Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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    Portugal: Conferência sobre Género

    Portugal: Associação dos Médicos Católicos promoveu conferência sobre «ideologia de género» 28 Fevereiro, 2025 16:09 Psiquiatra Pedro Afonso defende «sincronia entre o sexo biológico e o sexo identitário» Lisboa, 28 fev 2025 (Ecclesia) – A Associação dos Médicos Católicos Portugueses (AMCP) promoveu esta quinta-feira uma

      A Mother’s Sorrow

      Anne Lastman In recent comments  the Holy Father, Pope Francis, again addressed the issue of child abuse, this time stressing child trafficking and said that Christians “cannot remain indifferent” or that Christians cannot turn away our face from the reality of such evil practice.  This

        Psychic Wound

        Anne Lastman In a recent encounter with a colleague who had sought consultation because of a difficulty with her client who had experienced sexual abuse as a child, and therapist felt she had made no headway even after many sessions.  Because she knew I had


          Auschwitz…. 28/1/2025 80th Anniversary of Liberation. A request from son Lucas, that I write history of our family both the Rodino (me- Catholic) side of the family and the Lastman side of the (father-Jewish). It seemed a strange request as this had not occurred before.

            Avoiding the Subjunctive

            Barbara Golder, MD, JDView all authors and affiliationsVolume 92, Issue 1 ContentsDeclaration of Conflicting InterestsFundingFootnotePDF/EPUBCite articleShare optionsInformation, rights and permissionsMetrics and citationsFigures and tables What happens when the proper and moral response to a medical situation just isn’t possible? How do Catholics act not only within the constraints of the

              USA: Re-establishing the Scientific Definition of Sex

              CMA Commends the Trump Administration for Re-establishing the Scientific Definition of Sex as Male and Female January 22, 2025 The Catholic Medical Association (CMA-USA) commends the Trump Administration for the immediate action in re-establishing the science-based definition of sex as male and female. “In the executive

                No to Surrogacy

                Anne Lastman The Supreme Court of Spain has stated that surrogacy exploits women and harms the dignity and rights of the children conceived. The court made a statement which sent social media and secular media into frenzy. Pope Francis early in 2024 called for a

                  World Day of Children 2025

                  Anne Lastman  The Holy Father, Pope Francis, recently announced that he has established the Pontifical Committee to oversee the preparation for the World day of the Child.  This committee will promote the World day of Child, the church’s role and charism to always do all

                    Not intended to alter Church teachings

                    Atlanta Archbishop Hartmayer forms LGBTQ+ Pastoral Affairs Commission  By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer|Published October 18, 2024 FacebookTwitterEmailCompartir ATLANTA—Marija Pritchard found inspiration from her faith to organize food drives, build homes for Habit for Humanity and cook for families at the Ronald McDonald House as a

                      A Radical Anti-Male Movement

                      Anne Lastman Following the American elections win by Mr Donald Trump as the 47th  president of the United States of America and the disbelief, anger, rage, brouhaha  which has accompanied this by women and perhaps will not subside for the duration of his tenure as

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