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Eutanasia y el supuesto del fin bueno

Comunicación de la Dra. Elena Rita Passo,en la sesión privada del Instituto de Bioética, el 1 de octubre de 2021 ANALES DE LA ACADEMIA NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS MORALES Y POLÍTICAS INSTITUTOS 2021 EUTANASIA Y EL SUPUESTO DEL FIN BUENO Por la Dra. Elena Rita Passo

Pornografía: Dale una vuelta

QUIÉNES SOMOS UNA IDEA Dale Una Vuelta no empezó en un garaje, no. No es un producto de laboratorio, fruto de mentes brillantes. Salió de la calle, de la conversación, de tiempo de escucha: había una demanda creciente y nula oferta. Mucha pornografía y pocas

Catholic Doctors USA sponsor Women´s Healthcare

EVENT DATE: September 28, 2023 Revitalizing Women’s Healthcare Together You’re invited to Revitalizing Women’s Healthcare Together, a conference presented by FACTS About Fertility, Inc. and The Institute of Restorative Reproductive Medicine of America. Presentations will include topics like migraines and the menstrual cycle, updates on low-dose

New Definition of Death?

Proposed Changes to Definition of Death Threaten Brain-Damaged Patients BROOMALL, Pa., July 21, 2023—The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) and the National Catholic Partnership on Disability urge the Uniform Law Commission not to change its recommendation for the definition of brain death from the irreversible

Humane Vitae 55th Anniversary

Anne Lastman With the approaching 55th anniversary of Humane vitae (on The Regulation of Birth, July 25th, 1968) it maybe be time to look again at this document which caused so much confusion and rejection that this is still rejected, a document where some pastors

Madrid: XIV Congreso internacional de bioética 2023

AEBI invita a todos sus socios como a los profesionales y académicos interesados por la bioética a su cita internacional bianual. Esta vez, nuestro Congreso tendrá lugar en Madrid, los días 27 y 28 de octubre. Organizado por el grupo de investigación de alto rendimiento

Conference on Medicine, Bioethics and Spirituality

EVENT DATE: June 7, 2023 Medicine, Bioethics & Spirituality Conference The 18th Annual Divine Mercy Conference on Medicine, Bioethics and Spirituality will be held from June 7-9, 2023 at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy. Virtual attendance is also possible. Register for the conference at or call

The Reasonableness and Beauty of the Teaching of Humanae Vitae

Last year a book was published by a Vatican editorial house that called into question the Church’s teaching on contraception.  The editor of the book wrote of contraception: “The wise choice will be realized by appropriately evaluating all possible techniques with reference to their specific

International congress “Humanae Vitae: the audacity of an encyclical on sexuality and procreation”

The Jerome Lejeune International Chair in Bioethics is pleased to invite you to participate in the great international congress "Humanae Vitae: the audacity of an encyclical on sexuality and procreation", on May 19 and 20, 2023 in Rome. Organized in partnership with the FIAMC and

Promemoria: Sobre la Humanae vitae

La “Humanae vitae”: una profecía científica El presidente de los médicos católicos denuncia los peligros de la píldora contraceptiva. ROMA, jueves 8 de enero de 2009 ( A pesar de haber sido publicada hace cuarenta años, la encíclica Humanae vitae suscita aún un fuerte debate. Para algunos,

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