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Eutanasia: práctica alejada de la Medicina

La eutanasia es una “práctica lejana al más esencial cometido de la Medicina, que es siempre curar y cuando no se puede cuidar y paliar” La Delegación diocesana de Pastoral de Salud de Sevilla ha elaborado un documento dirigido especialmente a los agentes de esta pastoral para

A Catechesis on the Human Person and Gender Ideology (En, Es)

Most Rev. Michael F. Burbidge, Bishop of Arlington Read Letter from Bishop Burbidge | Download Document (en Español) Introduction In the past decade our culture has seen growing acceptance of transgender ideology-that is, the claim that a person's biological sex and personal identity have no necessary connection and

Doctors: Tech confirms abortion ‘takes life of unborn child’

Many of the arguments offered for the right to terminate life in the womb now eroded She is a Past President of the CMA-USA CompartirFacebookTwitterEmailPrintPUBLISHED: DECEMBER 28, 2021    BY JODI MARLINCATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE CNS PHOTO/THOMAS SERAFIN, COURTESY KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUSAn ultrasound is seen in

PMA à 3 parents : l’agence de biomédecine condamnée par la justice

PMA à 3 parents : l’agence de biomédecine condamnée par la justice La Cour administrative d’appel de Versailles a rendu le 7 décembre 2021 un arrêt d’une haute portée symbolique qui donne raison au combat judiciaire engagé par la Fondation Jérôme Lejeune en 2016, pour faire annuler une

Australia: inquiry into euthanasia

Here is the statement given by Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP on Friday 10 December to the NSW parliamentary inquiry into euthanasia. Thank you for the opportunity to address the Committee this morning. I appear on behalf of the Catholic Bishops of NSW and the Bishops

Boscia: L’alleanza terapeutica tra fiducia e coscienza FILIPPO MARIA BOSCIA* - Preparando una relazione, mi piace riflettere ed anche pormi delle domande. Oggi l’attualità ci propone il disumano ragionevole: l’uccidere per pietà, sostenuto da tante giustificazioni. Ma il disumano ragionevole serpeggia sotto certi aspetti in tutti gli ambiti sociali, come serpeggia nell’ambito

Hope and Healing for Infertile Couples

The Catholic Telegraph /  October 8, 2021 / Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google+ This month brings a new event designed to minister to couples suffering from infertility. On Oct. 16, the archdiocese will host its first St. Gerard Morning of Reflection for Infertile Couples at St. Ignatius Loyola Parish on the West Side

On line Conference: The Art of Dying Well

Dear colleagues After more than 18 months of covid disruption, we are pleased to announce that we are holding a conference on the first Sat in October - Saturday, 2nd October, 2021. This will be our 6th Annual Conference and will be online only. We were reluctant to commit to an in-person

Response to BMJ Editorial on Physician Assisted Suicide

SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 BY THOMAS CARROLL In response to… I agree that doctors certainly should “engage” with this issue…and…of course I strongly disagree with the BMJ’s position in favor of physician assisted suicide (PAS). There is much more to say, though for today I am going to

Jornada: Eutanasia y cuidados paliativos

¿Muerte digna o vida digna? Cuidados frente a eutanasia JORNADA: Eutanasia y cuidados paliativos. ¿Muerte digna o vida digna? Cuidados frente a eutanasia Clicar imágen para agrandar   Miércoles 29 de septiembre Horario: 17:00 h a 20:00 h Modalidad: Presencial y [...]Científicos de la Universidad de

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