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40 Días por la Vida

Vuelve la campaña 40 Días por la Vida del 22 de septiembre al 31 de octubre 64 países de todo el mundo acogen la iniciativa católica fundamentada en la oración y el ayuno que cuenta con el apoyo de la Santa Sede Septiembre, 2021  La

El debate bioético en el inicio de la vida humana

Una cuestión pendiente: El debate bioético en el inicio de la vida humana Consejo Académico de Ética en Medicina de la Academia Nacional de Medicina Seminario Virtual - 26 de agosto de 2021 Aborto: Más allá de la mirada ideológica Una cuestión pendiente: El debate

The personal side of natural family planning

Zoey Maraist | Catholic Herald Staff Writer7/14/21 The crutch of birth control  Instead of fixing the root cause of her irregular cycles, Joyce Germano was put on birth control — over and over again.  “It was very frustrating to the point where it caused almost a depression

A Catechesis on the Human Person and Gender Ideology

Most Rev. Michael F. Burbidge, Bishop of Arlington Read Letter from Bishop Burbidge | Download Document (en Español) Introduction In the past decade our culture has seen growing acceptance of transgender ideology-that is, the claim that a person's biological sex and personal identity have no necessary connection and

USA: End of Life Forum

End of Life (EOL) Forum, Pre-Conference 2021 Annual Educational Conference Wednesday, October 6, 2021 ~ 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM Cost per person: On site $150.00 (Includes breakfast and lunch)Virtual $75.005.75 CME Credits 6:30 Rosary 7:00 Mass 7:30 Breakfast 8:00 Welcome and Overview of the Day

Humanae vitae: always a Prophetic Document

By Anne Lastman--- Clearly, the most controversial encyclical of the 20th century was the 1968 document Humanae vitae (On the Regulation of Birth), in which Pope Paul VI restated the Church’s teaching that the use of contraception to frustrate conception is gravely immoral. With so

Humanae Vitae: the fecundity of a Letter from the future

International Conference on the 50th anniversary of the Humanae  Vitae. Centro Pastorale Pablo VI, Brescia, 16th to 18th June, 2018   Esperanza Coll and Montserrat Rutllant, members of RENAFER (Spanish Association of Teachers in Natural Family Planning) (*). Following the thrust of the words of Humanae

Humanae Vitae: la fecundidad de una Carta del futuro

Conferencia Internacional 50 aniversario de la Humanae Vitae. Centro Pastoral Pablo VI, Brescia, del 16 al 18 de junio de 2018 Comunicación presentada por: Esperanza Coll, Montserrat Rutllant, miembros de RENAFER (Asociación Española de Profesores de Planificación Familiar Natural) (*). Movidos por el impulso de

Our Common Home Shudders

Anne Lastman --- Surveying our horizon at this moment one could be forgiven for shuddering and thinking that the “end is nigh” We notice that our common home (Pope Francis, Laudato Si), our earth, is being attacked from all sides and bleeding badly. Some of

A Human Trafficking Survivor and Advocate Warrior

Tanya Gould: BY JENNIFER BRANSON No one ever told Tanya Gould about her own worth. Growing up, she did not feel valuable — a result of the sexual abuse she experienced from a family member from age seven to 14. When a handsome older man

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