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No a la legalización de la marihuana

Portugal: Médicos e Juristas Católicos pedem ao Parlamento que rejeite legalização da canábis para fins recreativos Jun 9, 2021 - 8:29 Associações falam em riscos para a saúde psíquica e efeitos que podem ser «dramáticos», sobretudo entre os mais jovens Lisboa, 09 jun 2021 (Ecclesia)

Bioethicists condemn relaxation of 14-day embryo experimentation limit

Statement and Press Release (3 June 2021)Bioethicists condemn relaxation of 14-day embryo experimentation limit The International Society for Stem Cell Research recently abolished the 14-day limit on lab-grown embryo experimentation. In a statement released today by the Centre, Prof. David Albert Jones highlights the dangers

CMA-UK to the WMA: on the revised draft of the International Code of Medical Ethics

Introduction  The Catholic Medical Association (UK) represents Catholic doctors, nurses, pharmacists, hospital chaplains and other healthcare professionals within the UK. It celebrated its centenary in 2011. The CMA has its own charity, the Catholic Medical Missionary Society, to support medical projects in the Developing World.

CMA-UK to World Medical Association

Submission of the Catholic Medical Association (UK) to the World Medical Association in relation to the revised draft of the International Code of Medical Ethics. Introduction  The Catholic Medical Association (UK) represents Catholic doctors, nurses, pharmacists, hospital chaplains and other healthcare professionals within the UK.

Presidente AMCI: i costi aborto

Report su costi aborto. Boscia (AMCI): «Ecco quali sono i costi, economici e umani» L’aborto è un “inquinante” conclamato per la famiglia e per la società. Nella sua intervista, rilasciata a Pro Vita & Famiglia a margine della presentazione del rapporto su costi d’applicazione della Legge 194,

Catholic Medical Quarterly

The Catholic Medical Quarterly is the open access medical journal of the CMA (UK), member of FIAMC. First published as the Catholic Medical Gazette in 1914, it provides a platform for discussion and education on medical, ethical, legal and pastoral aspects of clinical practice as

Declino demografico e maternità negata

5/15/2021 FILIPPO MARIA BOSCIA - La legislazione riguardante la sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro non deve e non può riferirsi solo alle politiche di prevenzione degli infortuni, ma deve essere applicata nella totalità delle ipotesi, perché riguarda molti ambiti ancora negati, e, tra questi, ne citiamo

What the Catholic Church has said about brain death

Dr. Barbara Golder, a medical doctor and lawyer with the Catholic Medical Association (USA). In an Aug. 29, 2000 address to the International Congress of the Transplantation Society, St. John Paul II addressed the concept of brain death.  The pope said that “the complete and

Deep concern about human-monkey embryo

Bioethicists express deep concern about human-monkey embryo Great Pics - Ben Heine | Shutterstock John Burger - published on 04/22/21 Experiment cracks door to possible human organ source, but some worry what other doors might be opened. Work by an international team of scientists has raised hopes

We Denounce Reversal of Limits on Human Fetal Tissue Research

U.S. Bishops’ Pro Life Committee Chairman Denounces Reversal of Limits on Human Fetal Tissue Research WASHINGTON - The National Institutes of Health announced last Friday that it is reversing limits on human fetal tissue research that were put in place by the Trump Administration. Archbishop Joseph

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