Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Promemoria: on Vaccines

Vaccines 18-6 Vaccines ok on temporary basis if no other moral alternative available tofetal stem cell lines “Parents and physicians may use the current vaccines withoutimmoral cooperation in abortion “on a temporary basis” whenno ethical alternative is available and “insomuch as isnecessary in order to

« Nouvelle Charte des personnels de la santé » disponible en cinq langues

L'Église a toujours perçu le service des malades comme « partie intégrante de sa mission », associant « la prédication de la Bonne Nouvelle à l'assistance et au soin des malades ». Le texte de la « Nouvelle Charte des personnels de la santé »

Euthanasie en Belgique : un témoignage poignant

 Le témoignage d'une jeune femme qui autorise à ce que sa lettre soit diffusée : Remplie de douleur et de colère, je viens vous confier mon cri et mes larmes : mon papa, J., s'est fait euthanasier il y a moins d'un mois chez lui.

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Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2

In response to many questions about the position of FIAMC concerning the vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, Prof. Dr. Bernard Ars, president of the FIAMC, recommends the article 'Vaccins against SARS-CoV-2' by Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau, priest of the diocese of Grenoble, former Scientific Director of the Pontifical

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Family/Sexual Education

8-7 Abstinence only programs should receive federal support THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that abstinence only programs should continue toreceive federal support in the future. (2005) (renewed 2015) 8-8 Safe environment programs should be redesigned and made optional to protect parental rights THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that

End of Life Issues

6-7 POLST paradigmBE IT RESOLVED, that the Catholic Medical Association has grave concerns about the faulty assumptions, changes in purpose of care, changes in legal/medical/ethical standards, changes in decision making procedures, violation of the doctor-patient relationship and overall lessening of protection afforded specific populations by

España: eutanasia de una civilización

Por Giorgio Chevallard En este momento en España se quiere legislar sobre la eutanasia. Aunque no soy ni médico, ni teólogo, ni político, ni intelectual, me han pedido un juicio: diré lo que veo.  Por supuesto no apoyo el encarnizamiento terapéutico (si es que todavía

Oración por la Vida: San Juan Pablo II


9-5 Updating Evidence-Based Information about the Efficacy of Fertility Awareness-Based Methods of Family Planning BE IT RESOLVED, that the Catholic Medical Association request that the Centerfor Disease Control update the effectiveness rates quoted foreach fertility awareness-based methods in their “Effectivenessof Family Planning Methods” to reflect the

¿Por qué la Iglesia defiende las dos vidas?

Padre Oscar Mercado Bolton Porque su misión es continuar lo que empezó Jesús. Actuar como lo haría Jesús. Decir que la Iglesia defiende las dos vidas no es decir que responde a un ataque sino anunciar una Buena Noticia en medio de tantas que no

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