Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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We Oppose Use of Aborted Fetal Tissue In Federally Funded Research

Public Comment: NCBC and Catholic Medical Association Oppose Use of Aborted Fetal Tissue In Federally Funded Research Marie T. Hilliard, MS, MA, JCL, PhD, RN, DM Senior Fellow Marie Hilliard holds graduate degrees in maternal–child health nursing, religious studies, canon law, and professional higher

American Journal of Psychiatry retracts it’s conclusions on mental health of transgenders: “Transitioning” Procedures Don’t Help.

‘The world’s largest dataset on patients who have undergone sex-reassignment procedures reveals that these procedures do not bring mental health benefits’. That is what Dr. Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, reports on the Foundations website.  In October 2019, the

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Bishops clarify the Catholic position on vaccination

The Catholic Bishops responsible for Healthcare and Life issues have released a paper providing clarity and assurances on the moral issues surrounding vaccination and to encourage Catholics to commit to protecting the most vulnerable in society. Bishop Paul Mason, Lead Bishop for Healthcare, and Bishop

Argentina: Total rechazo a la interrupción legal del embarazo

Ante la adhesión de la Legislatura de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires al Protocolo para la atención integral de las personas con derecho a la interrupción legal del embarazo en su actualización 2019 del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación, como Consorcio de Médicos

COVID-19 Vaccines

I have the impression that experts and the general public are pinning their best hopes for resolving the current pandemic on a vaccine against the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Huge amounts of money is being invested in research all over the world. Indeed, the only

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Promemoria: Attualità dell´enciclica Humanae vitae alla luce della Laudato sì

Attualità dell’enciclica Humanae vitae alla luce della Laudato sì Il titolo del congresso mondiale della Federazione Internazionale delle Associazioni dei Medici Cattolici, FIAMC, svolto in Croazia a Zagabria dal 30 maggio al 2 giugno di quest’anno 2018, Santità della vita e professione medica, dall’Humanae vitae

CMA-USA welcomes protection of Little Sisters of the Poor

Catholic Medical Association Welcomes SCOTUS Protection of The Little Sisters of the Poor Philadelphia, PA- July 10, 2020—After numerous challenges to the rights of conscience of the Little Sisters of the Poor and others, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on July 8, 2020 on the side of

Omolesbotransfobia con il DDL ZAN…

L’eutanasia resta un atto inammissibile

30 giugno 2020 Pubblichiamo la lettera che il cardinale prefetto della Congregazione per la dottrina della fede ha indirizzato al superiore generale dei Fratelli della Carità, René Stockman, in merito alla questione dell’eutanasia negli ospedali psichiatrici della medesima congregazione del Belgio. Reverendissimo Fr. Renè, Superiore

Libro on line: Reflexiones sobre la eutanasia

Los trucos eutanásicos y lo que enseña la Iglesia, explicado muy claro por Pedro Trevijano «Reflexiones sobre la eutanasia», librito directo, imprescindible y gratis para un debate urgente El sacerdote Pedro Trevijano, conocido para muchos lectores de ReL por su libro  Relativismo e ideología de género y como columnista habitual en

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