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A Natural Family Planning Advocate

One Catholic Physician’s Journey To Becoming A Natural Family Planning Advocate ByCharlie Camosy Dr. Marguerite Duane, a board-certified family physician, is pictured in an undated photo. (OSV News photo/courtesy Dr. Marguerite Duane) Amid the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Natural Family Planning Awareness Week, Dr.

Sobre la vejez

En la Jornada Mundial de los abuelos y de los mayores   28 julio 2024   +José L. Redrado, OH  Secretario emérito del Consejo Pontificio para los Agentes Sanitarios 1 El desgaste de la vida. ¡Nunca pensé que después de los 40 pudiésemos tener riqueza tan grande!.

Prepararci all’età grande

Prepararci all’età grande: per non eliminare la sofferenza eliminando il sofferente Giornale di Puglia. Luglio 21, 2024 FILIPPO MARIA BOSCIA - Nella odierna contemporaneità la cosiddetta età grande è diventata un’emergenza sociale! E’ un’età delicata nella quale possono far capolino plurime patologie, è un’età nella quale

Humanae vitae (July 25)

FIAMC Document Forty years of Humanae Vitae from a medical perspective Oboedire oportet Deo magis quam hominibus Summary The encyclical Humanae Vitae by Pope Paul VI was published forty-four years ago, encountering significant opposition from many areas, such as the Königstein Declaration, made by the

AI, Dignity and Medicine

Artificial Intelligence: Preserving Human Dignity in the Integration of AI in Medicine June 20, 2024 Listen to Dr. Marie-Noelle Langan, a cardiac electrophysiologist, address her upcoming presentation on Artificial Intelligence at CMA’s Annual Educational Conference (click on the photo below).  Her presentation will be on September 7,

Pro Life A call to Love.

Anne Lastman Would the advocates of “reproductive health” and contraception really like to hear how the contraceptive pill and abortion empowers women?” The Big Lie.  There are many ills which beset society today but most of these can be safely laid at the feet of

Lawyers and cracks in the transgender agenda

Written by Wanda SkowronskaMay 31st, 2024 Lawyers do not generally fare well in the Gospels. After all, we recall the most memorable attack on them, uttered by Christ: Woe to you lawyers also! For you load people with burdens hard to bear, and you yourselves

How These Courageous Doctors are Standing for Freedom

In a classic example of bureaucratic overreach, President Biden’s administration is re-interpreting existing law to squeeze “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” into the definition of “sex.” This is a dramatic shift. It would force doctors to participate in controversial, experimental and irreversible procedures including hormone

The Status of Embryos

What Catholic Social Teaching Says About the Status of Embryos June 20, 2024 Part One: The Effects of Reproductive Technologies and Research on the Human Embryo By Angela Lanfranchi MD, FACS According to Catholic Social Teaching, we are called to revere all human life in

Human Dignity and AI

Artificial Intelligence: Preserving Human Dignity in the Integration of AI in Medicine June 20, 2024 Listen to Dr. Marie-Noelle Langan, a cardiac electrophysiologist, address her upcoming presentation on Artificial Intelligence at CMA’s Annual Educational Conference (click on the photo below).  Her presentation will be on September 7,

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