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IVF people claims for their right to know

By Bioethics Observatory - Institute of Life Sciences UCV|June 12th, 2020|A Thanks to DNA tests and the internet but mainly to the mobilization of IVF people to defend their right to know the identity of their biological parents, many persons could find their biological parents despite the fact that

COVID: sobre el uso de ciertas células humanas

Valencia (España), 15 de junio de 2020 Polémica ética suscitada alrededor del uso de células obtenida de abortos humanos provocados para fabricar vacunas contra el COVID-19 El pasado 12 de junio la revista Science público un artículo con el título “Las vacunas que usan células

Triage Circumstances?

CHA-USA: “Is It Ethical to Unilaterally Withdraw Life-Sustaining Treatment in Triage Circumstances?” NCBC News RSS The Catholic Health Association of the United States cited the NCBC and our ethicists—especially Father Tad Pacholczyk, John Di Camillo, and Marie T. Hilliard—in a new document examining the ethics

La cultura de la muerte (II)

Una gerocultora ayuda en el traslado a un residente durante el primer día de visitas en la Residencia Centro Casaverde Navalcarnero/Foto: Marta Fernández Jara /Europa Press Jorge Fernández Diaz El 11 febrero –fecha muy vinculada con la salud del cuerpo y del alma– el Congreso admitía

How to Advocate for an Ethical COVID-19 Vaccine Debi Vinnedge, founder of Children of God for Life, talks about the ethics of vaccines and the work that is being done to make sure vaccines are produced without harm to human beings. She explains how campaigns have recently convinced companies to discontinue unethical


THERESA OF CALCUTTA (conference of Cairo): “Each of us is here today, thanks to the love of God which created us and thanks to our parents who accepted us and wanted to give us life. Life is the greatest gift of God. Therefore, it is

Which COVID-19 Vaccines Are Being Developed with Fetal Cell Lines Derived from Aborted Babies?

The race is on to find a vaccine for COVID-19. The good news is that many of the world’s largest vaccine companies are developing promising vaccine candidates using ethically-derived cells. The bad news is that many of the leading vaccine candidates for the 2019 novel coronavirus

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“Charting My Cycles with Fertility Awareness Saved My Life” (Video)

Newlywed Nia wasn't experiencing any unusual symptoms, but with the help of her fertility awareness charts, she noticed that something was abnormal with her menstrual cycles. The information from her charts gave Nia and her doctor the information they needed to save her health--and her

Malpractice, commented Catholic Medical Association President Michael S. Parker

Abortion activists push to drop crucial women’s blood test so chemical abortions will be easier 'To use chemical abortion to end a pregnancy of less than 56 days without an examination or determination of blood type should be considered malpractice,' said the president of the

Journée mondiale des parents

Journée mondiale des parents : honorons la maternité et la paternitéBruxelles, le 2 juin 2020 Dans la continuité de la Journée mondiale des parents, la FAFCE rappelle l'importance de la maternité et de la paternité et demande une reconnaissance de leurs rôles fondamentaux durant cette pandémie."Les

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