Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Points to Consider: Triage in the Perspective of Catholic Bioethics

Over the past several months, the virus causing COVID-19 disease has been spreading silently throughout the world, infecting hundreds of thousands of people. COVID-19 already has killed over eighteen thousand people worldwide, and it threatens to hospitalize and kill countless more as well as to

Coronavirus: Preghiera per i laici e le famiglie

Foto FIAMC: Basílica de la Sagrada Familia de Barcelona O Dio Padre, Creatore e Signore della vita, Ti ringraziamo per averci donato la vita, fondamento di ogni altro bene. In questo tempo di pandemia, soccorrici nella Tua Onnipotenza misericordiosa. Con fiducia ci abbandoniamo fra le

Evangelium vitae (25 years)

Photo FIAMC: Beatification of Pope John Paul II 25 March 1995 To the Bishops, Priests and Deacons, Men and Women religious, lay Faithful and all People of Good Will on the Value and Inviolability of Human Life Introduction 1. The Gospel of life is at

Carlo Casini

Foto, da sinistra a destra: Dott. Boscia, Dott. Casini, Dott. Balzaretti I medici cattolici la cui "identità " è  quella di coloro che per vocazione e per professione sono "custodi e servitori della vita umana" (e.v.,89) non potranno mai dimenticare CARLO CASINI.,nelle cui azioni hanno


Better to be prepared than to react to a situation when you often times have your course of action dictated to you. Level “A” At this point, events suggest the increased risk for a pandemic, prompting the need to review plans and preparations for

Prof. Carlo Casini passed away / Scomparsa di Carlo Casini

The FEAMC remembers prof.  Carlo Casini, founder of the Movement for Life and European parliamentarian. His commitment has saved thousands of lives and has been a great stimulus to us Catholic doctors for a strong testimony in defense and promotion of nascent life.  His death

AEBI: Consideraciones bioéticas ante el Covid-19

Consideraciones bioéticas ante el Covid-19 de AEBI Ante la situación de pandemia por Covid-19 y la inestimable labor que están realizando los sanitarios españoles para tratar y cuidar los enfermos la junta directiva de AEBI quiere hacer llegar una reflexión de carácter ético sobre los

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NCBC Statement on COVID-19 Pandemic

March 19, 2020: Solemnity of Saint Joseph,Patron of the Universal Church We at The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) wish to convey to our many contacts, benefactors, and friends our continued resolve to serve as a trusted source of ethical counsel and information as the

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World Down Syndrome Day

Who was Professor Jérôme Lejeune? His life, his commitment A physician by vocation, Jérôme Lejeune was confronted with the distress experienced by intellectually disabled children and their families at a very early age. Because medicine was powerless to help these children, Jérôme Lejeune decided to dedicate his

Associations Familiales en faveur de plus de solidarité

Communiqué de presse Les Associations Familiales en faveur de plus de solidarité en Europe  Bruxelles, le 18 mars 2020 Aucune famille européenne ne devrait se sentir abandonnée par les pouvoirs publics. Dans ce moment où la peur et la désorientation semblent prévaloir, nous souhaitons réaffirmer l’importance fondamentale de

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