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Statement: The Nairobi Summit on Population

Official Statement: Response to the ICPD25 Summit The Nairobi Summit, ICPD25 (the 25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo) concluded on November 14th 2019 failing to address the necessary action to reduce maternal deaths. The summit covered five themes, but

NCBC – Palliative Sedation While Approaching Death

Father Tad Pacholczyk is the author of a column called Making Sense of Bioethicsthat appears in diocesan newspapers across the country. September 2019: Palliative Sedation While Approaching Death

CMA-USA on Conscience Protection Rule

November 12, 2019 CMA Responds After Two Federal Judges Block Conscience Protection Rule  Philadelphia, PA—The Catholic Medical Association is disappointed to learn two federal judges ruled to block The Department of Health and Human Services’ Conscience Protection Rule. CMA previously expressed its support of HHS’

Conjugal Honour (Casti Connubii Pius XI)

Love of husband and wife joined together in pure intimacy. Anne Lastman Contemporary society seems to have lost the understanding and the meaning of conjugal honour (Casti Connubii, citing the Angelic Doctor) or even the will or knowledge of how to protect conjugal honour. Why?

Vatican, monothéistes signent une déclaration sur la fin de vie

Au Vatican, les religions monothéistes signent une déclaration sur la fin de vie Des représentants juifs, musulmans et chrétiens ont signé ce lundi matin une déclaration commune rejetant l'euthanasie et le suicide assisté et invitant à développer les soins palliatifs. Olivier Bonnel - Cité du

WMA: opposition to assisted suicide & euthanasia

World Medical Association declares strong opposition to assisted suicide and euthanasia  Oct 27th, 2019 Source: WMA/CNK At its 70th General Assembly meeting in Tbilisi, Georgia, the World Medical Association (WMA) reaffirmed a commitment: "to the principles of medical ethics and that utmost respect has to be

Nearly 1,000 N Ireland medical personnel say they won’t perform abortions

Belfast, Northern Ireland, Oct 24, 2019 / 03:41 pm (CNA).- A Northern Ireland doctor opposed to abortion said he collected the signatures of 911 health care professionals in the region who will refuse to perform abortions under a new measure that legalized the procedure. Dr.

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CMA-USA against AMA´s Abortion Statement

October 21, 2019 Catholic Medical Association Speaks Out Against AMA’s Abortion-Defending Statement Philadelphia, PA—The Catholic Medical Association is voicing opposition to a recent abortion-defending position issued by the American Medical Association. In its statement, “Ban on standard D&E abortion procedure is unsafe, unwarranted,” which is

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To Hold the Hand…. Euthanasia…Assisted Suicide

Anne Lastman. Because of the lack of respect for life in its genesis, there is now a global push for legalization for the premature disposal of life at the end. Euthanasia and or assisted suicide.   Euthanasia simply means an earlier death than would be

Danger of Assisted Suicide Laws to Persons with Disabilities

Chairmen of U.S. Bishops’ Committees Comment on Federal Study Released on Danger of Assisted Suicide Laws to Persons with Disabilities October 15, 2019 WASHINGTON—Last week, the National Council on Disabilities (NCD) released a federal study revealing that assisted suicide laws are dangerous to people with

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