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Danger of Assisted Suicide Laws to Persons with Disabilities

Chairmen of U.S. Bishops’ Committees Comment on Federal Study Released on Danger of Assisted Suicide Laws to Persons with Disabilities October 15, 2019 WASHINGTON—Last week, the National Council on Disabilities (NCD) released a federal study revealing that assisted suicide laws are dangerous to people with

Wither/Whither Catholic Health Care?

Statement of the MaterCare International Conference Rome, 2019 INTRODUCTION: From September 18th to September 22nd, 2019, a group of international participants in the fields of medicine and ethics gathered at the Istituto Maria SS Bambina in Rome to cover matters of interest to the medical

Libro sobre la Jornada alcohol-pornografía

PRÓLOGO Dr. José María Simón Castellví Past President de la FIAMC y Vicepresidente de la Fundació Casa de Misericòrdia de Barcelona (FCMB)           Una vez más, la Fundación Casa de Misericòrdia de Barcelona ha organizado una Jornada de estudio sobre un tema de gran interés social

Misleading Statement from The American College of Obstetricians

CMA-USA and NCBC Respond to Misleading Statement from The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and Physicians for Reproductive Health:Abortion Can Be Medically Necessary The Catholic Medical Association (USA) and the National Catholic Bioethics Center recognize the obligation to treat both patients, the mother and

On Redefinition of “Sex”

USCCB Chairmen Issue Statement on Supreme Court Cases on Redefinition of “Sex” in Civil Rights Law October 8, 2019 WASHINGTON— Bishop chairmen of three committees of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) commented on three cases argued before the Supreme Court today –

Contro una legge su suicidio assistito ed eutanasia!

Firma questa petizione, compilando il modulo, per chiedere al Presidente del consiglio Conte e ai presidenti di Camera e Senato di non estendere la possibilità di suicidio assistito o eutanasia con una legge, dopo che la Corte costituzionale ha depenalizzato in certi casi l'agevolazione del

Care of the dying patient

THE FOURTH ANNUAL CATHOLIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION YOUTH CONFERENCE: CARE OF THE DYING PATIENT (UK) For who? 18-40 year old Catholics in healthcareWhen? 1:30pm - 6pm Saturday 5th October 2019Where? St Aloysius' Catholic Church, EustonHow much? £5 students, £10 waged to be paid on the doorRegister at:  Speakers to explore

Livre « Expériences de Vie Imminente »

Présentation du livre « Expériences de Vie Imminente » Depuis les progrès de la réanimation à la fin des années 1960 se multiplient ce que le Dr Raymond Moody a appelé les NDE ou Near Death Experiences, dans son livre princeps « Life after life » « La vie après

Speciale sul suicidio assistito

SPECIALE SUL SUICIDIO ASSISTITO: LA PETIZIONE UFFICIALE, LE INTERVISTE A MENICHELLI E BOSCIA - BATTIMELLI A TV 2000 PETIZIONE Pubblichiamo qui sotto il testo della PETIZIONE inviata al Presidente del Consiglio Giuseppe Conte e ai presidenti di Camera e Senato a firma dell'AMCI nella persona

Chastity and Celibacy

The morning of our final conference day focused on human sexuality and transgenderism. This included a presentation on Chastity and Celibacy from Father George Woodall. You will find video excerpt from that presentation available at: The afternoon focused on our duty to uphold the

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