Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Para meditar en agosto (II)

“NO ES LÍCITO HACER EL MAL PARA LOGRAR EL BIEN” (Rom 3,8) Tal como explica la “Veritatis splendor” de S. Juan Pablo II, nunca una acción mala puede ser justificada por un fin bueno o unas consecuencias, aparentemente buenas. Denuncia la VS que existen teólogos

One year since our Zagreb Congress

The 25th Congress of the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations - FIAMC,  held in Zagreb, Croatia from May 30 through June 2, 2018, had the following objectives:     Sanctity of Life in the Light of Ethical Relativism, Secularism, and Transhumanism from Fertilization until Natural

Le droit à une assistance médicale de base, alimentation, hydratation, hygiène…

DISCOURS DU PAPE JEAN-PAUL II AUX PARTICIPANTSAU CONGRÈS INTERNATIONAL PROMU PAR LA FÉDÉRATIONINTERNATIONALE DES ASSOCIATIONS DES MÉDECINS CATHOLIQUES(17-20 MARS 2004, AUGUSTINIANUM)Samedi 20 mars 2004 Mesdames et Messieurs! 1. Je vous salue cordialement, vous tous qui participez au Congrès international «Life-Sustaining Treatments and Vegetative State: Scientific

Vegetative state: Hydration and Nutrition

SPEECH OF JOHN PAUL II TO THE PARTICIPANTSAT THE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS«LIFE SUSTAINING TREATMENTS AND VEGETATIVE STATE:SCIENTIFIC ADVANCES AND ETHICAL DILEMMAS»Saturday 20 March 2004 Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen! 1. I cordially greet all of you who took part in the International Congress: «Life-Sustaining Treatments and Vegetative

No all´eutanasia

Il documento. Le associazioni cattoliche: una legge che dica no all'eutanasia Mercoledì 10 luglio 2019 Un forte richiamo al Parlamento, perché legiferi tenendo presente che "ciascuna vita individuale è un bene in se stessa" Un no senza sfumature all’eutanasia, la richiesta di cure palliative come diritto

Il magistero del Papa sull´eutanasia

Don Michele Aramini Articolo pubblicato su Avvenire di giovedì 4 luglio 2019Il periodo estivo non deve farci dimenticare che sono all’orizzonte importanti scadenze sui temi bioetici fondamentali, come quelli del fine vita. Ricordiamo che la Corte costituzionale ha invitato il Parlamento a prendere posizione entro

Pick up the pieces lest they be wasted

“Pick up the pieces lest they be wasted” (Jn 6:12). How much these words tear at the heart strings.  How can we find the pieces of the babies?  Where can we go to collect the pieces of the babies who have been aborted so that

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Euthanasie, l’envers du décor. Réflexions et expériences de soignants

Huit soignants belges – professeurs d’université, médecins, infirmiers et éthiciens reconnus et expérimentés en accompagnement palliatif – tentent ensemble de dire leurs questions autour de la fin de vie, des soins palliatifs et de la pratique de l'euthanasie. Deux femmes médecins, française et israélienne, se

CMA-USA and Pro-Life Success

Catholic Medical Association Responds to Article Criticizing Pro-Life Success Philadelphia, PA—As the Catholic Medical Association remains committed to upholding the dignity and sanctity of life in all its stages, the last several months have prompted our organization to respond with a particular focus on the

CMA-USA Applauds Opposition to Assisted Suicide

Catholic Medical Association Applauds AMA for Upholding Opposition to Assisted Suicide PHILADELPHIA, PA– June 12, 2019 – The Catholic Medical Association applauds the American Medical Association (AMA) for upholding the dignity of life and remaining opposed to Assisted Suicide. “The Catholic Medical Association commends the

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