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Il magistero del Papa sull´eutanasia

Don Michele Aramini Articolo pubblicato su Avvenire di giovedì 4 luglio 2019Il periodo estivo non deve farci dimenticare che sono all’orizzonte importanti scadenze sui temi bioetici fondamentali, come quelli del fine vita. Ricordiamo che la Corte costituzionale ha invitato il Parlamento a prendere posizione entro

Pick up the pieces lest they be wasted

“Pick up the pieces lest they be wasted” (Jn 6:12). How much these words tear at the heart strings.  How can we find the pieces of the babies?  Where can we go to collect the pieces of the babies who have been aborted so that

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Euthanasie, l’envers du décor. Réflexions et expériences de soignants

Huit soignants belges – professeurs d’université, médecins, infirmiers et éthiciens reconnus et expérimentés en accompagnement palliatif – tentent ensemble de dire leurs questions autour de la fin de vie, des soins palliatifs et de la pratique de l'euthanasie. Deux femmes médecins, française et israélienne, se

CMA-USA and Pro-Life Success

Catholic Medical Association Responds to Article Criticizing Pro-Life Success Philadelphia, PA—As the Catholic Medical Association remains committed to upholding the dignity and sanctity of life in all its stages, the last several months have prompted our organization to respond with a particular focus on the

CMA-USA Applauds Opposition to Assisted Suicide

Catholic Medical Association Applauds AMA for Upholding Opposition to Assisted Suicide PHILADELPHIA, PA– June 12, 2019 – The Catholic Medical Association applauds the American Medical Association (AMA) for upholding the dignity of life and remaining opposed to Assisted Suicide. “The Catholic Medical Association commends the

Medio ambiente, sin contaminación del aire

¿Alguna vez te has cruzado con alguien ataviado con una mascarilla para proteger su boca y su nariz? Es una imagen cada vez más frecuente y altamente significativa. Ahora bien, nos puede ayudar a caer en la cuenta de que, en el mundo de hoy,

Every child is a gift!

Every child is a gift said Pope Francis at a recent meeting (25/5/2019) with delegates to a conference in Rome. The Holy Father Pope Francis spoke these words “no human being can ever be incompatible with life” and every child is “a gift that changes

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“Male and Female He created them”

Vatican document on gender: Yes to dialogue, no to ideology The Congregation for Catholic Education has published “Male and Female He Created Them: Towards a path of dialogue on the question of gender theory in education”. The new document is intended as an instrument to

CMA-USA on Tissue of Aborted Babies

Catholic Medical Association Applauds HHS Action to Defund Research Using Tissue of Aborted Babies PHILADELPHIA, PA– June 6, 2019 —  The Catholic Medical Association applauds the action of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to stop funding research using the bodies of

To Physicians from USA Bishops

Notice to Physicians from the USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities on PAS Dear Physicians,  At its annual meeting this June 8-12 at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago, the AMA’s House of Delegates will once again be voting on assisted suicide, specifically to affirm the slightly

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