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« Keys to bioethics », la bioéthique dans une application

Un manuel pour smartphones sera présenté au Panama, disponible en trois langues L'embryon est-il juste un amas de cellules ? Les techniques de diagnostic prénatal sont-elles acceptables ? Qui juge la valeur d'une vie ? La procréation assistée est-elle la seule alternative en cas d'infertilité

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Pope Francis to Academy for Life

Humana Communitas[The Human Community] The human community is God’s dream even from before the creation of the world (cf. Eph 1:3-14). In it, the eternal Son begotten of God the Father has taken flesh and blood, heart and emotions. Through the mystery of giving life, the great

Question on the liceity of a hysterectomy in certain cases

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Response to a question on the liceity of a hysterectomy in certain cases On July 31, 1993, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the faith published Responses to Questions Proposed Concerning “Uterine Isolation” and Related Matters. These responses, which retain all of their validity, consider the removal of the uterus to be morally licit when there is a grave and present danger to the life or health of the mother, and hold as illicit, insofar as they are methods of direct sterilization, the removal of the uterus and tubal ligation (uterine isolation) with the intention of making impossible an eventual pregnancy which can pose some risk for the mother.

Question on the liceity of a hysterectomy in certain cases

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Response to a questionon the liceity of a hysterectomy in certain cases On July 31, 1993, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the faith published Responses to Questions Proposed Concerning “Uterine Isolation” and Related Matters. These responses, which retain

Alle origini della bioetica

Alle origini della bioetica Dott. Ermanno Pavesi Membro della Presidenza FIAMC Il temine bioetica è stato probabilmente utilizzato per la prima volta nel 1927 dal pastore protestante Fritz Jahr (1895-1953) nell’articolo “Bio-etica. Una panoramica delle relazioni etiche dell’uomo con animali e piante”, nel quale descrive

El problema de la gestación subrogada

La gestación subrogada es, en definición de la OMS, una técnica de reproducción asistida, que se da cuando una mujer lleva el embarazo y da a luz un bebé que, genética y legalmente, pertenece a otros padres La gestante subrogada es, por tanto, la mujer

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Su suicidio e suicidio assistito

Considerazioni su suicidio e suicidio assistito Dott. Ermanno Pavesi Membro della Presidenza FIAMC Gli aspetti sociali del suicidio sono stati oggetto di discussioni già nei secoli passati. Dopo la pubblicazione nel 1774 de “I dolori del giovane Werther”, nel quale Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832) descrive

Christmas, Natale, Noël by Fr Suaudeau

“For today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke, 2, 11) Today: it is today that comes to us the Lord, the Savior, in the liturgical evocation of Christmas, in the material representation of

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Baby Body Parts from Abortions for Research, “Deeply Disturbing”

U.S. Bishops’ Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities Calls NIH’s Dr. Francis Collins Defense of Using Baby Body Parts from Abortions for Research “Deeply Disturbing” December 18, 2018 WASHINGTON—Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), recently defended current NIH research that uses the

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Stop abortion bill in Poland

STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF THE “ZATRZYMAJ ABORCJĘ” (“STOP ABORTION”) BILL IN POLAND L Current legislation in Poland allows abortion under any one of three circumstances; danger to the mother's health, rape or incest, and when prenatal tests show serious illness of disabilities in the unborn

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