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Adicción al sexo

“La sed del alma y el anhelo de la carne de los que habla el salmista no se pueden eliminar; así el hombre, sin saberlo, va en busca del Infinito, pero en direcciones equivocadas: en la droga, en una sexualidad vivida de modo desordenado, en

Agua, agricultura y alimentación

JORNADA Agua, agricultura, alimentación. Construyamos el mañana. Salón de actos de la Escuela Técnica Superior Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. 13 diciembre 2018 *** Un mañana fruto de la solidaridad del hoy. Palabras de clausura. Fernando Chica Arellano Observador Permanente de

World’s first genetically modified babies may have been born in China

A number of media outlets have reported the news: Chinese scientists produce genetically edited babies for the first time (see HERE and HERE. According to He Jiankui, the Chinese scientist responsible, his team has managed to obtain the first babies genetically modified in the embryonic

President Ars gives advice to youth considering the profession

VOICES & VIEWS New president of Catholic doctors’ association gives advice to youth considering the profession Jesús Colina | Dec 01, 2018 Medicine is an art more than a science, says Dr. Bernard Ars. Waiting lists, financial speculation, depression, pressure to promote euthanasia, surrogate motherhood

FIAMC Statement on Life issues

FIAMC finds it timely and necessary to restate the following Catholic Medical Moral principles: Sanctity of Life and the Medical Profession from Humanae Vitae to Laudato Si FIAMC calls on all Catholic physicians and allied health professionals to respect the teaching of the Church contained

Antibióticos y responsabilidad

El buen uso de los antimicrobianos, una cuestión de responsabilidad Hace poco tuvo lugar el Día Europeo para el Uso Prudente de los Antibióticos, que se celebra cada año el 18 de noviembre. En esta ocasión, además, se lanzó una campaña de sensibilización en redes

Card. Parolin su Droghe e Dipendenze

Intervento del Cardinale Segretario di Stato alla Conferenza Internazionale “Droga e Dipendenze: un ostacolo allo sviluppo umano integrale” e Omelia della Santa Messa celebrata nella Basilica di San Pietro, 30.11.2018 Intervento del Cardinale Segretario di Stato Omelia del Cardinale Segretario di Stato Pubblichiamo di seguito

CMA-USA 2019 Annual Educational Conference

2019 Annual Educational Conference The 2019 Annual Educational Conference of the Catholic Medical Association will be held at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel September 26-29 2019. The theme of the conference is “Physician Heal Thyself: Living a fulfilled life in Medicine.” Conference speakers will focus on

« Nous, médecins, avons toujours l’Espérance à rendre présente »

« Nous, médecins, avons toujours l’Espérance à rendre présente » Listes d’attente, spéculation financière, dépression, pression pour promouvoir l’euthanasie, gestation pour autrui… Les défis que doivent affronter les médecins aujourd’hui sont nombreux et, pour certains, inédits. Rencontre avec le docteur Bernard Ars, nouveau président de

AMA Wrestles with Physician-Assisted Suicide Stance

We thank the physicians who attended the AMA's Nov. meeting defending the Association's long opposition to PAS. The AMA kept intact their policy that PAS is “fundamentally incompatible with the physician’s role as healer."@PalmBeachCMA @AmeriMedicalAssn by Shannon Firth, Washington Correspondent, MedPage Today November 12,

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