Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Building a Culture of Life

The Third Annual CMA Youth Conference CATHOLICS IN HEALTHCARE: BUILDING A CULTURE OF LIFE Saturday 29th September at 13:30–17:30 St Aloysius Roman Catholic Church 20 Phoenix Road, NW1 1 London, United Kingdom The Catholic Medical Association invites all young (18-35yrs) Catholics in healthcare (doctors, nurses,

Respect life conference focuses on end-of-life care

Respect life conference focuses on end-of-life care September 27, 2018 Vicki Evans Catholic social teaching is the foundation of good medicine and ethical health care. That is the message of this year’s respect life conference, “The Heart of End of Life Care: Catholic Social Doctrine,”

HHS to stop using fresh aborted baby tissue for research

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 24, 2018Contact: HHS Press Office 202-690-6343 Statement from the Department of Health and Human Services “After a recent review of a contract between Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc. and the Food and Drug Administration to provide human fetal tissue to develop

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Alle origini della Bioetica

Alle origini della bioetica --- Il temine bioetica è stato probabilmente utilizzato per la prima volta nel 1927 dal pastore protestante Fritz Jahr (1895-1953) nell’articolo “Bio-etica. Una panoramica delle relazioni etiche dell’uomo con animali e piante” , nel quale descrive un’etica rispettosa degli «obblighi morali

Medicina del siglo XXI y el desafío de la dignidad humana

Medicina del siglo XXI y el desafío de la dignidad humana Dra. Raquel Bolton La base de la Bioética es el respeto por la vida y la dignidad del enfermo y éste debe ser centro del acto médico. Los principios de la Ética Médica se

Declaration of Human Rights 70 years on

Your Excellencies, Distinguished Representatives of the Secretariat of the Council of Europe, Ladies and Gentlemen, At the outset, I would like to thank you all for your presence at this Conference organized by the Permanent Mission of the Holy See to the Council of Europe.

Invisible Holocaust

Invisible Holocaust --- By Anne Lastman 2018 At the dawn of the new millennium, as we face more and more threats both to the human person and to society, we can and must take stock of the situation and the state of the human person

Immoral medical actions

By Courtney Grogan Seoul, South Korea, Aug 30, 2018 / 04:47 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The South Korean government included abortion in a list of “immoral medical actions” earlier this month as the country’s abortion law was revised to enable authorities to suspend medical professionals for

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La smemoratezza di una rivista medica (The Lancet)

Pena di morte e aborto, l'errore di Lancet. La smemoratezza di una rivista medica Roberto Colombo mercoledì 22 agosto 2018 Nel numero del 18 agosto, la famosa rivista medica britannica 'The Lancet' dedica un editoriale dal titolo «La Chiesa cattolica contro i diritti della donna

A response to Mifepristone coverage

A RESPONSE TO NEWFOUNDLAND’S INCLUSION OF MIFEGYMISO TO UNIVERSAL COVERAGE Aug. 21, 2018- The provincial government of Newfoundland has announced that, starting September 1st, the drug commonly known as the “abortion pill” (Mifegymiso) will be provided at no cost to residents of Newfoundland and Labrador

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