Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Canadian Physicians for Life

Our principles are based on the life-affirming Hippocratic Oath. CPL is open to all doctors and students who share the following: Reverence for every human life, regardless of age or infirmity, lies at the root of all medical traditionRecognition that the long and honourable ethical

A Catholic’s Perspective on Racism

A Catholic’s Perspective on Racism and Critical Race Theory October 17, 2023 Charles Peters, M.D. Catholic social teaching has a long and rich history which is firmly grounded on the three-legged stool of the principles of human dignity, solidarity and subsidiarity. The Church has spoken

To carry on legacy of natural fertility care

Catholic physicians look to carry on legacy of natural fertility care in St. Louis through OB/GYN practice Drs. Stephanie Veit and Alexa Williams join Dr. Richard Brennan at practice in south St. Louis County  jenniferbrinker Submitted August 1, 2022 | 9:00 AM Drs. Stephanie Veit

No matter what, life is always worth living!

By Tony Magliano, 1 October 2023 Image: Shashank Sahay/Unsplash Life is God’s most precious gift. Please never consider ending it. No matter what problems you have, no matter how serious they may be, no matter how much pain they cause, God, and many good people,

Manipulating the Criteria for Death for Organ Transplantation

To view a PDF of this document, click here. Partial dissection of the chest of a man, with arteries indicated in red. Coloured lithograph by J. Roux, 1822. There are major ethical violations associated with a new medical technique called Normothermic Regional Perfusion, developed in

Madrid: Donación de órganos en contexto eutanásico

(...) 2. El protocolo Nacional de Donación de Órganos tras la Aplicación de la Prestación de Ayuda para Morir Desde inicios del siglo XXI, se está analizando la posibilidad de la donación de órganos para trasplantes a partir de pacientes a los que se les

Delta Hospice Society

Core Values Every life is a precious gift, and every life is always of equal value.No person has the right to shorten or end another life.End-of-life care is the enrichment of life to its natural end. Palliative care is the medical, social, psychological and spiritual care

Documento sobre la ideología de género y su daño a los niños

Phoenix, Ariz. – 9 de septiembre de 2023 – En su 92a Conferencia Educativa Anual, la Asociación Médica Católica (USA) publicó su documento anticipado de posición sobre la ideología de género perjudica a los niños, en presencia de más de 700 asistentes. “Al revisar la evidencia de supuestos tratamientos

A Timeline of The Road to Death

Anne Lastman As I read and look around our society, I am noticing that abortion seems to have taken a back seat or being put on the slow burner.  Yes, there are some organisations which still attempt to speak about abortion and mostly to request

Michele Aramini, Figli no grazie?

Michele Aramini, Figli no grazie? Oltre l’inverno demografico Ancora, Milano 2023, pp. 168, €. 16,00. Al di là degli allarmi statistici, del declino conclamato delle grandi potenze demografiche mondiali, delle ricette economiche strutturali per incentivare la natalità, come possiamo guardare il radicale, repentino cambiamento antropologico

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