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    Restoring Male Fertility: A Training Course

    February 10, 2025 By Dr. Giuseppe Grande In 2024, the Unit of Andrology and Reproductive Medicine of the Department of Medicine at the University of Padova, Italy held its first international high level training course on Reparative Medicine for Male Reproductive Health. The course trained several physicians

      USA BIshops: Love means More

      WASHINGTON – “Conversations about love, marriage, sexuality, family, and the human person can be confusing and polarizing”, said Bishop Robert Barron of Winona-Rochester. “This is why I am pleased to announce the launch of Love Means More to help bring clarity and compassion to those questions.” As

        How These Courageous Doctors are Standing for Freedom

        In a classic example of bureaucratic overreach, President Biden’s administration is re-interpreting existing law to squeeze “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” into the definition of “sex.” This is a dramatic shift. It would force doctors to participate in controversial, experimental and irreversible procedures including hormone

        Risk of Suicide and Self-Harm Following Gender-Affirmation Surgery

        John J Straub 1, Krishna K Paul 1, Lauren G Bothwell 1, Sterling J Deshazo 1, Georgiy Golovko 2, Michael S Miller 3, Dietrich V Jehle 1Affiliations expand PMID: 38699117PMCID: PMC11063965DOI: 10.7759/cureus.57472 Abstract Introduction With the growing acceptance of transgender individuals, the number of gender affirmation surgeries has increased. Transgender individuals face elevated depression rates, leading to an increase in suicide ideation

          An Evaluation of Controversial Statements in Etica Teologica Della Vita

          The teachings of the Catholic Church on human sexuality, contraception and the treatment of infertility are well established and clearly explained in many Church documents, including Humanae vitae and Familiaris consortio. In 2022, a book was published in Italian which reported on a seminar organised

            Menopause: the Change of Life

            Dr Amanda Buadi With so much in the popular media about the menopause recently, this article seeks to explore how using a Fertility Awareness Based Method can help! WHAT IS MENOPAUSE? Menopause is said to be established when more than 12 months have passed since

              England’s National Health Service Ends Puberty Blockers for Kids

              NHS gives directive to doctors regarding gender dysphoria. The NHS website’s section on ‘treatment’ for gender dysphoria has been updated; the emergency department at Yeovil District Hospital, a NHS hospital in the United Kingdom, is shown. (photo: Imran's Photography/ Tyler Arnold/CNAWorldMarch 12, 2024 Doctors in

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                Uganda on AIDS

                World AIDS Day is globally recognized on December 1st each year and holds significant meaning for Ugandans, as it does for people around the world. In Uganda, World AIDS Day is a time to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS, remember those who have lost their lives

                  To carry on legacy of natural fertility care

                  Catholic physicians look to carry on legacy of natural fertility care in St. Louis through OB/GYN practice Drs. Stephanie Veit and Alexa Williams join Dr. Richard Brennan at practice in south St. Louis County  jenniferbrinker Submitted August 1, 2022 | 9:00 AM Drs. Stephanie Veit

                    Michele Aramini, Figli no grazie?

                    Michele Aramini, Figli no grazie? Oltre l’inverno demografico Ancora, Milano 2023, pp. 168, €. 16,00. Al di là degli allarmi statistici, del declino conclamato delle grandi potenze demografiche mondiali, delle ricette economiche strutturali per incentivare la natalità, come possiamo guardare il radicale, repentino cambiamento antropologico

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