Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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  Declaratio de quibusdam quaestionibus ad sexualem ethicam spectantibus, December 29, 1975  AAS 68 (1976) 77-96; DOCUMENTA 27 OR 16.1.1976, 1-2 [Lat./Ital.]; CEE 62-95 [Lat./Hisp.]; Communicationes 8 (1976) 8-22; EV 5, 1126-1157; LE 4423; Dokumenty, I, 27 [English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish]                                                                                                                       More on:


LA DIFERENCIA ENTRE UNA PROFUNDA TENDENCIA HOMOSEXUAL Y ATRACCIÓN PASAJERA POR EL MISMO SEXO EN LOS CANDIDATOS AL SEMINARIO Y A LAS ÓRDENES RELIGIOSAS. Linacre Quarterly, August 2011 Peter C. Kleponis y Richard P. Fitzgibbons Resumen La crisis de abusos sexuales en la Iglesia, cuyas


XIV International AIDS Conference – Barcelona 2002

From July 7–12, 2002, the XIV International AIDS Conference was held in Barcelona, Spain. The XIV International AIDS Conference was organized in Barcelona (Catalonia) in July 2002 by Dr. Jordi Casabona (medical epidemiologist) and Dr. Jose´Mª Gatell (infectious disease medical specialist), the co-chairs of the

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Spouses are called to live the entire truth of Humanae vitae”. Pastors are to teach it without calling it into question.

14 March 1988 To the participants in a Conference for the Family on the anniversary of the Humanae Vitae On Monday, 14 March, the Holy Father received in audience the participants in the Fourth International Conference for the Family of Europe and of Africa.  The

The church’s teaching on contraception is not a matter for free discussion among theologians

5 June 1987 To the participants in a conference on Responsible Procreation The Holy Father received in audience on Friday, 5 June the participants in a study conference on responsible procreation.  The conference was sponsored by the “Centre for Studies and Research on the Natural

Responsible procreation requires dialogue between science, faith and theology

8 June 1984 To the participants in two Congresses on Responsible Procreation On Friday, 8 June, the Holy Father received in audience the participants at the International Congress on the Philosophy and Theology of Responsible Procreation and the Second International Congress on Responsible Procreation.  He

Church must lead couples to the truth about themselves and their love

1 March 1984 To the priests participating in a seminar on "Responsible Parenthood" On the morning of Thursday, 1 March the Pope spoke to the priests participating in a seminar on “Responsible parenthood: scientific philosophical and theological foundation”, which began on 28 February at the

Christian vocation of spouses may demand even heroism

17 September 1983 To the priests participants in a seminar on "Responsible Parenthood" On the morning of Saturday, 17 September, the Holy Father received in audience the more than fifty priests who had participated in a study seminar on the theme “Responsible Parenthood: scientific, philosophical

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