Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Promemoria: Sobre la Humanae vitae

La “Humanae vitae”: una profecía científica El presidente de los médicos católicos denuncia los peligros de la píldora contraceptiva. ROMA, jueves 8 de enero de 2009 ( A pesar de haber sido publicada hace cuarenta años, la encíclica Humanae vitae suscita aún un fuerte debate. Para algunos,

On Gender Affirming Care

AAPS Statement on “Gender-Affirming Care” for Minor Children Physicians and medical professionals should refuse to be mandated or coerced to participate in procedures to which they have ethical or scientific objections or which they believe would harm a patient.Reproduction requires a male gamete (sperm), which

Teorie del gender e trasformazione della persona umana

Dott. Ermanno Pavesi--- L’enciclica Laudato si’ di papa Francesco  L’enciclica di papa Francesco Laudato si’ offre alcuni importanti spunti per affrontare la teoria del gender. Molto spesso l’enciclica viene considerata unicamente come una enciclica ecologica, come se si occupasse unicamente di questioni ambientali, questioni che

On Sex-Discordant Gender Identity

Social Contagion and the Changing Demographics of Sex-Discordant Gender Identity BY PAUL W. HRUZ, M.D., PH.D. The past decade has witnessed a dramatic, worldwide increase in both the number of specialized “gender clinics” and the number of persons presenting to them. Sex-discordant gender identity, a

Theology of the Body- A Reflection

Anne Lastman Theology of the Body has been predominantly seen as the preeminent document on human sexuality of the divine kind expressed in human way. It’s a document on marriage and sexuality and the meaning of these in the life of a human being. For

El Método Sintotérmico, Planificación Familiar Natural (Es, Fr)

La Planificación Familiar Natural (PFN) trata de diagnosticar las fases infértiles y fértil del ciclo menstrual  en curso. Permite a las parejas que desean engendrar unirse los días más favorables a la concepción, y a las que necesitan espaciar o limitar la fecundidad elegir los

On Fertility Awareness

CMA (USA) Member Sues HHS After Fertility-Awareness Based Methods Removed from Health Coverage BY JENNIFER BRANSON Cami Jo Tice-Harouff, DNP, APRN, FNP-C, member of the Catholic Medical Association, is suing the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for removing fertility awareness-based methods from insurance

Catholic doctor says ‘no more’ to birth control

After two decades of using the birth control pill in his OB/GYN practice, Dr. Richard Brennan will focus on Creighton Model FertilityCare System of NFP Promemoria: Submitted August 17, 2018 When the birth control pill was introduced 50 years ago, the medical community revered it

Resistenza all’Humanae vitae

Resistenza all'Humanae vitae Dott. José María Simón Castellví Presidente emerito della Federazione Internazionale delle Associazioni Mediche Cattoliche (FIAMC) Da qualche anno, quando si avvicina l'anniversario della famosa lettera enciclica di Paolo VI, scrivo qualche riga a suo sostegno. Questo a volte ha provocato molto scalpore,

Resistance to Humanae Vitae

Resistance to Humanae Vitae Dr José María Simón Castellví President Emeritus of the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC) Some years ago, on the anniversary of Paul VI’s famous encyclical, I wrote a few lines to support it. Occasionally quite a stir has arisen,

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