Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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9-5 Updating Evidence-Based Information about the Efficacy of Fertility Awareness-Based Methods of Family Planning BE IT RESOLVED, that the Catholic Medical Association request that the Centerfor Disease Control update the effectiveness rates quoted foreach fertility awareness-based methods in their “Effectivenessof Family Planning Methods” to reflect the

Webinar: sessualità e fertilità in oncologia (21 nov 2020)

 SESSUALITA' E FERTILITA' IN ONCOLOGIA - 21 novembre 2020 in videoconferenza webinar Cari amici, vi invio il programma del Convegno di Marzo rimandato causa  COVID al 21 Novembre, al quale potrete accedere tramite  piattaforma perchè sarà in modalità webinar ( con crediti ECM). Vi mando anche

The gender theory, looked at from the perspective of Christian anthropology, creation theology and human ecology

On the occasion of the Season of Creation 2020, FIAMC-president Bernard Ars has invited His Eminence Willem Cardinal Eijk, archbishop of Utrecht (The Netherlands) to contribute to the FIAMC website with a reflection on gender, creation and human ecology. FIAMC is happy to be able

Christians with unwanted Same-Sex Attraction 

TrueLove.Is – Christians with unwanted Same-Sex Attraction  “As Christians with same-sex attraction, we have decided for ourselves not to act on our same-sex attraction. Our lived experiences are valid. But there are many who want to cancel our stories on social media. We exist. We

La salute delle donne e i rischi della Ru486

Una riflessione sulla recente decisione italiana sulla pillola abortiva 19 agosto 2020 La recente decisione del ministero della Salute italiano di estendere la possibilità di assumere la pillola abortiva Ru486 da 7 a 9 settimane con l’esclusione del ricovero obbligatorio per le donne che la

American Journal of Psychiatry retracts it’s conclusions on mental health of transgenders: “Transitioning” Procedures Don’t Help.

‘The world’s largest dataset on patients who have undergone sex-reassignment procedures reveals that these procedures do not bring mental health benefits’. That is what Dr. Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, reports on the Foundations website.  In October 2019, the

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Promemoria: Attualità dell´enciclica Humanae vitae alla luce della Laudato sì

Attualità dell’enciclica Humanae vitae alla luce della Laudato sì Il titolo del congresso mondiale della Federazione Internazionale delle Associazioni dei Medici Cattolici, FIAMC, svolto in Croazia a Zagabria dal 30 maggio al 2 giugno di quest’anno 2018, Santità della vita e professione medica, dall’Humanae vitae

Per generare abbiamo bisogno di…

Si può ancora dire che per generare abbiamo bisogno di un gamete del maschio e di un gamete della femmina? 6/25/2020 09:50:00 AMSalute e benessere BARI - In questi ultimi giorni sono comparsi su diversi organi di stampa molti confronti a più voci a favore

Regarding definition of sex

NCBC President Strongly Supports USCCB President’s Statement Regarding SCOTUS Definition of “Sex” NCBC News RSS Joseph Meaney, President June 17, 2020—Dr. Joseph Meaney, president of The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC), welcomes and strongly supports the recent statement by Archbishop José Gomez, president of the

“Charting My Cycles with Fertility Awareness Saved My Life” (Video)

Newlywed Nia wasn't experiencing any unusual symptoms, but with the help of her fertility awareness charts, she noticed that something was abnormal with her menstrual cycles. The information from her charts gave Nia and her doctor the information they needed to save her health--and her

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